They condemn the possible destruction of the community by the cartels in Guerrero

Mexico City.- A small community in violence-torn southern Mexico was attacked by drones and gunmen from a drug cartel, a human rights group told The Associated Press today.

The cartel attacked at least 30 people on Thursday in the town of Buenavista de los Hurtado in the southern state of Guerrero, according to local religious human rights organization Centro Minerva Bello. The center’s director, José Filiberto Velázquez, indicated that it was likely that the victims were murdered.

Officials did not provide details or specify whether the incident resulted in injuries or deaths. The Secretary of Public Security of Guerrero said today in a statement on his account on the social network

The municipality of General Helidoro Castillo, on the outskirts of Tlacotepec, is caught in the middle of an escalating war between the Familia Michoacana and Jalisco Nueva Generación cartels.

Velazquez said drone strikes and violence by cartels have been on the rise in the past year, about which he has alerted authorities.

The activist said he learned of the incidents through the community, which informed him that some members of Familia Michoacana were launching “explosive devices” from drones around noon on Thursday. But community communication soon ended.

Hours later, local police informed the activist that one survivor had survived the attack and reported that, following the drone strike, armed men arrived in the community while residents were slaughtering a pig and “shot him there Went.”

The center’s director also spoke to residents of nearby communities, who said they had heard about the attack and were fearful that the same thing could happen to them.

“This is a conflict that has many communities in terror,” Velazquez said.

Neither human rights organizations nor officials have been able to enter the small town due to remoteness and risks, the activist said. Therefore there was very little information about the attack.

The Guerrero state prosecutor’s office told the AP it could not provide further details.

(tag to translate)national

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