They found a planet very similar to Earth, but with truly amazing conditions.

The planet may have geological conditions very similar to those of our planet.

They found a planet very similar to Earth, but with truly amazing conditions.
Artificial intelligence image of a rocky planet with a faint star.

We are getting to know space and the universe that surrounds us better and better. From theories about how life will travel through space to the discovery of a super-Earth with conditions suitable for life, we are constantly faced with news stories warning of the great advances that space exploration will bequeath to us. Now they have found the planet is very similar to Earth which is located at a truly amazing distance. It is believed to have no atmosphere, but it holds a number of secrets that, if revealed, will allow us to better understand the geology of our world and the rest of the rocky planets orbiting distant stars.

A planet that will allow us to learn more

A team of MIT astronomers has announced the discovery of an Earth-sized planet orbiting a star with very unusual conditions. Near very cold star which corresponds to the size of Jupiter. Until now, only one such system was known, known as TRAPPIST-1, with seven Earth-sized planets. The current one, located 55 light years from our planet, has surface that is twice as cold as the surface of the Sun what translates into It has almost no shine and it is quite rare to be found in space. In fact it is believed that this 1000 times dimmer than the Sun.

On the other hand, this star is similar in composition to 70% of the stars found in the Universe, and also It is expected to be much longer than our Sun..

An Earth-like planet is much closer to its star than we are to ours. It receives 16 times more radiation per second in an orbital cycle that lasts only 17 hours, demonstrating the importance of our planet’s location in this part of the solar system. Even if it is a dim star, it means nothing when it comes to inaction. On the contrary, it seems that it is quite active and solar flares are constant. This would result in the planet having no atmosphere, and the culprit would be the star itself and its constant activity, which destroyed any type of atmosphere present on the planet over the millions of years they co-existed. In fact it is believed that the star would be seven billion years old.

These assumptions can be confirmed thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope, which will observe the star and planet in ten cycles try to understand what the rocks of a planet are like if it has no atmosphere. Discover the composition of this planet This would be an important milestone in the current state of our knowledge.something really interesting and capable of changing our understanding rocky planets like Earth in outer space.

Called SPECULOOS-3B, it is the first extrasolar planet whose composition we might know very well and could even help us discover if He has the necessary abilities for the birth of life in him.which at first glance seems quite difficult.

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