This film is an accomplished success for millions of people, the series is delighted

After the film with Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess, Netflix adapted David Nicholls’ novel Un jour, but it’s a TV series. La Plateforme devoilé la Bande-Annonce.

Netflix attacks cultural romance drama

Netflix This trend will surprise your subscribers with the usual regulation of automatic ads. The site will unveil an ambitious project on the main day. This is peu ce qu’il s’est passé dernièrement a mise en ligne de la Bande-annonce de la mini-serie. dayadapted from the bestselling book by David Nicholls, published in 2011. Un roman connu pour sa première adaptation, in film, signed Lone Scherfig et avec Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess starring.

In the movie “Suite” The complicated friendship between Emma and Dexter. The peculiarity of the work is that it is an annual day, from which it is not here. It all started on July 15, 1988 in Edimburg, the date of the last meeting and the “preskov” premiere of the ensemble. Ils décident ensuite de rester amis et on voit ainsi leur évolution for 20 years.

Day ©Focus Features
Day ©Focus Features

Un Jour Traite Alors d’amitié, d’amour, most regrets and meetings. The Emma and Dexter Story car is a joy. Between bad marriages and various épreuves de la vie qu’ils vont vivre, as well as leurs continuity de retrouvailles and separations. The result is a depressing romantic drama that simultaneously becomes cultural.

Bande announcement that will be considered for the series Un jour.

Netflix is ​​a solution dedicated to the work of David Nicholls. Group debut-announcement on this phrase: “Comment during one poignée d’années, une parfaite inconnue peut devenir la personne la personne la most important de votre vie?” This is my summary, good attitude towards Emma and Dexter.

With love, the sound of le morceau dreams Cranberry, a promotional video that cherry-picked a number of joyful moments, all coming together to bring a lot of people between the two main characters and them meeting. An interesting musical choice, as well as film connoisseur Wong Kar-wai from l’associe naturalllement à Chongqing Express, for example, a parfait de romantic comedy at men’s meetings. La suite de la Bande-Annonce Montre évidemment que Leurs Sentiments seront trop forts But time will pass while he rests.

Day ©Netflix
Day ©Netflix

Mini-series day The film was created by Molly Manners and featured the roles of Emma and Dexter. Ambika Maud and Leo Woodall. Enfin, bonne nouvelle, il ne faudra pas party trop longtemps pour découvrir le puisque le show sera mis en ligne sur Netflix des le February 8.

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