This is a problem with using cable internet on your Smart TV.

Your Smart TV gives you the option to use a Wi-Fi or Ethernet cable to access the Internet. The disadvantage of using a cable is that smart tv port In mid-2024 they are still very slow. For this reason, it is currently better to use a Wi-Fi network in most cases. But why?

Limiting ports on Smart TV

Among the most common doubts that users have are the following: which is better to connect the TV to the Internet, Wi-Fi or cable? Well, whenever possible, you should choose a wireless connection at home, and there is a reason for this.

Smart TV streaming

You may have never thought, but yes, many smart TVs have limitations on Ethernet ports. No matter whether they are entry-level, mid-range or high-end, many models are still They do not have an Ethernet port with speeds greater than 100 Mbps. connection speed. So even if you have speeds of 300 Mbps, 500 Mbps, 600 Mbps… Smart TV will not have the ability for cable to exceed that specific limit. On the other hand, Wi-Fi is different.

If your Smart TV is located near your router, don’t think twice and connect it to the 5GHz band. Of course it must be compatible. If you are further away, you should connect it to a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network as this is most suitable when it comes to not being close to the router. And all because it has greater communication coverage.

Solution: Add a Gigabit Ethernet port.

On the other hand, if you prefer to use an Ethernet cable and put an end to this limitation, you can always add Gigabit Ethernet port. If it was already connected via cable and you notice connection problems such as dropouts, especially when watching 4K movies, you have an alternative: use Wi-Fi or try this trick. However, you can get around this limitation by adding this type of port to your TV.

To begin with, we must take into account that Does not work on all Smart TV models and brands.. For example, if it is tested for compatibility with LG and Sony TVs. Now you need to buy a Gigabit Ethernet port adapter to connect it to your TV’s USB. What could the next product be:

If you stop reading the comments, you’ll see customers explaining that they already use it on their Smart TVs to improve connections since the TV’s own network card was giving them slower cable speeds. But once again, keep in mind that you won’t always be able to add a Gigabit Ethernet port using this type of adapter to your TV. For example, this does not work on Samsung models.

In these cases, if you want more speed, there will be no other alternative than improve Wi-Fi network coverage From home. This way you can connect your TV to the Internet and there will be no connection problems.

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