This is the food with the most hated vitamin C for children (and it’s not oranges)

When we think of foods rich in vitamins, we usually immediately turn to a very popular fruit: orange. However, this is not the only resource available to increase the consumption of this product. essential nutrient in our diet.

Among them there is one who stands out noticeably exceeding up to 15 times the amount of vitamins present in oranges, and we are talking about parsley. Despite the fact that it is considered one of the ingredients most despised by children in Catalonia, This product has impressive nutritional potential.

Greener than orange

In fact, parsley, famous in Catalonia for its inclusion in numerous dishes and sauces, has been praised by nutritionists. Pablo Ojeda while participating in the “Better Late” program. On this occasion, Ojeda shared recipe sauce based butter, garlic and, of course, parsleydesigned to season a tasty portion of fish.

In addition to its culinary function, The usefulness of the drug was emphasized, in particular, thanks to garlic, Known for its antibacterial and antiseptic properties. With his rhyming words, Ojeda suggested that “your body will improve if you consume one garlic per day“And a clove of garlic a day can improve our health.

Important Features

The value of parsley is not limited only to its vitamin content. There is evidence that this ingredient also It has beneficial properties for the overall health of the body.

Spanish Nutrition Foundation clarifies that parsley is a herbaceous plant belonging to umbelliferae familyintense green color, which is used both as a seasoning and as a for decorating a variety of dishes within the framework of traditional Mediterranean cuisine.

Outside the kitchen

Beyond its culinary function, various studies suggest that parsley may help mitigate certain risks of complications associated with high levels of blood sugar. This claim is based on parsley’s high antioxidant content, which helps maintain healthy level sugar and avoid potential problems.

If we’re talking about heart diseasewhich are one of the leading causes of death worldwide, parsley also plays an important role in this aspect. wealth of compounds The vegetables in parsley, including the antioxidant carotenoids, have been shown to benefit cardiovascular health by reducing risk factors associated with heart disease.

The Numerous Benefits of Parsley

Such connections include carotenoidswhich has been proven to improve aspects such as Chronic inflammationhigh blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels. This beneficial effect is enhanced by the noticeable content of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that may promote heart health.

investigation also indicates that parsley consumption may affect decreased excretion of calcium and protein in urinewhile simultaneously increasing urine pH and urinary frequency compared to control group. This plant is rich in nitrates, which have the ability to dilate blood vessels, thereby improving blood circulation and reducing arterial pressure high. In addition, it was noticed that foods rich in nitrateslike parsley, may help keep blood pressure in a healthy range.

Other properties

In terms of eye health, parsley is also beneficial by protecting the eyes and promoting healthy vision. Lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids present in parsley, have been linked to the prevention of age-related macular degeneration. an incurable eye disease and one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide. He beta caroteneanother carotenoid present in parsley promotes eye health by converting into Vitamin A in the body, protecting the cornea and conjunctiva, which Essential elements for eye work.

Thus, parsley, that herb that is commonly used to add flavor and color to our dishes, He is presented as a valuable ally in the search for a healthier and more balanced diet. Its nutritional potential, ability to prevent certain health problems, and its positive effects on heart and eye health make parsley worthy of a prominent place in the diet. our tables and in our thoughts about food.

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