This Monday, flu vaccinations will be available to the entire population

Starting Monday, January 15, registration for influenza vaccination will be open to the entire population of Aragon. An appointment request must be made through the Salud Informa website or app. In addition, there will be five health centers in Zaragoza that will carry out vaccinations in the afternoon from 15:00 to 17:00. These centers are Actur Oeste, Valdespartera, Fuentes Nortes, Sagasta and La Bombarda. You can also make an appointment at these centers through Salud Informa.

The flu vaccination campaign was planned to open to the entire population in February next year, but it was decided to postpone it due to the increase in the incidence of influenza, which increased from 167.5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last week of 2023. up to 303 cases in early 2024.

The record of acute respiratory infections (ARI), which includes influenza, covid, pharyngitis, bronchitis and a long list of respiratory processes, increased over the same period from 1184 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants to 1330. However, it is worth noting that the incidence of covid decreased (from 41 to 32 cases per 100,000 inhabitants).

Director General of Public Health Nuria Gayan insists on the importance of flu vaccination. “There is scientific evidence that shows that after having the flu, we may also have a greater risk of cardiovascular disease, such as a heart attack,” says Nuria Gayan.

“And it’s worth remembering,” he adds, “that this vaccine protects ourselves and those close to us with whom we live or surround us from the disease, so that although most cases will have mild symptoms, we can infect a person who is weaker or weak. with a situation of increased health risk who develop complications and require hospitalization.

Influenza vaccination coverage as of January 7 in Aragon is 56 percent of the target population of the age groups for which it is recommended. For the age group from 6 to 59 months – 41.75 percent; over 60 years old 57.25 and over 80 years old 79.1.

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