This was a presentation of the game Smite 2, created from scratch for Unreal Engine 5.

Hi-Rez Studios and developer Titan Forge Games announced their upcoming game Smite 2 during the annual Smite World Championship. The game will be a sequel to Smite and is developed on Unreal Engine 5.2+, which, according to the developers, allows for not only many visual improvements, but also several gameplay improvements. There is no official release date yet, but early alpha access should appear this spring.

With Smite 2, Titan Forge Games aims to build on the success of the current game. During the presentation, executive producer Alex Cantore and CEO Travis Brown emphasized that they are staying true to the formula of the original. Their main goal is to make a game similar to Smite, but better. This means maintaining all fundamental aspects and “get into every aspect of the game and improve it”. When looking at Smite’s gameplay side by side with Smite 2’s gameplay, this conservative approach is obvious as the look and feel of both games is very similar.

However, there is one very obvious improvement in Smite 2: the move to Unreal Engine version 5.2+ from version 3 of the current game. Smite 2 game design director Ajax Walker commented that this update opens up a lot of room for improvement, such as an updated user interface, weapons showing trails, additional animations, and generally more colors. Another fundamental improvement that the developers are aiming for is to give the action a greater “divinity”. The report highlighted that god abilities have a much greater impact in Smite 2 with the new engine, such as ice attacks adding a frost effect to the ground or raindrops falling around a god associated with rain.


This was a presentation of the game Smite 2, created from scratch for Unreal Engine 5.

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Smite 2 will also rework some of the core elements of Smite. One of the things Brown wants to change in the new game is the fact that the first 10 minutes of Smite often play out very similarly due to optimal god builds defining the goal. To change this, among other things, gods will be able to use any type of item in Smite 2. Additionally, instead of magical or physical attack types, each god will be able to adapt to them with strength and intelligence points. Other additions on a more tactical level include new backdoors to attack map bosses in Conquest mode and the ability to ambush enemy players.

There will be no obligation for current Smite players to upgrade to Smite 2. According to Brown and Cantore, Smite servers will continue to run indefinitely and updates will continue to be released. However, the current number of gods of 130 will be the maximum for Smite, and new gods will only appear in Smite 2. Some of the gods will be cross-gen, meaning you can play as them in both games. However, the developers believe that most players will migrate to Smite 2. Therefore, they are offering a 50% discount on the premium currency – gems – in Smite 2 for every gem that players purchase in Smite.


But not everything in Smite 2 is aimed at modern gamers. According to Brown, more effort will be placed on attracting new players. Smite 2 will solve some of these problems for newbies. Additionally, the matchmaking system will be overhauled, which should prevent new players from being treated poorly by experienced players entering the game.

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Although it was announced at an esports event, Brown and Cantore also noted that Smite 2 is being developed more for fun and average gamers rather than high-level players. The target audience is not only MOBA players. Following the presentation, Cantore described his goals for Smite 2 as a mixture of the fluid gameplay found in action-oriented games and the goal-oriented nature of pure MOBAs, leading to more solo matches, and even called the Smite formula “an exciting and active game.” it still has a depth of strategy that you’ll pick up much faster if you play another MOBA.”

Smite 2 will release in Early Alpha Access in the spring of 2024, followed by a beta phase with approximately 25 new gods towards the end of 2024. free to play This is yet to be determined, but there will be around 50 gods. After that, new gods will appear every two weeks, with a total of 100 of them. The game can be played on PC, Xbox Series and PS5.

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