This will be a 25-minute demonstration of Vision Pro in Apple stores.

Augmented and virtual reality glasses VisionPro This is the first new product category that Apple has released since 2015, the year the first Apple Watch was introduced. In this century, the company can consider each of them (iPod, iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch) a success, but the case with Apple Pro is different. This is not an intuitive product for the user on first the previous ones, and a bad user experience can ruin expectations for a device that will cost US$3500 in the US when it goes on sale on February 2 next year. For this reason, Apple has prepared extensive 25 minute demo which company employees will offer in Apple stores to interested customers.

According to Bloomberg, the company conducted training this month to hundreds of Apple store employees at their Cupertino headquarters so they can conduct these demonstrations and provide the best possible customer experience. Larger stores will have a dozen Vision Pro devices on displayalthough the most common would be between 2 and 4 per store.

Before starting the demonstration itself, an employee configures the device for the user and explains its management. For this, your face is scanned using the app and based on your information they adjust belts and pillows (two sizes) and easy printing which prevents penetration from the outside (25 shapes and sizes). If the client wears glasses, they are used another device to measure your diopters and every store has hundreds of lenses for use with Vision Pro. During this process, another employee customizes the Vision Pro glasses to suit the user’s needs.

After turning on the device and after the client is convinced that the client is comfortable, explanations come on how to handle the glasses: how to operate pointer with my own eyes how to do it gestures make a choice and how to use digital crown move between virtual and augmented reality. The employee will see on the iPad what Vision Pro shows the user.

This is also done calibration with several tracking and touching exercises to ensure the device tracks your eyes and hands correctly. After this last step, the demo itself begins, which consists of four blocks and takes about 25 minutes.

The user is first directed to the application Photo where you can view and manage a series of still images preinstalled on your device, including panoramic ones.

The user then has access to 3D space photos and videos. In the first case, the child hits the piñata, and in the second, the birthday boy hits it. These types of videos can now be recorded on iPhone 15 Pro running iOS version 17.2.

Next part of the demo show how to use the device instead of a computer. Explains how to move multiple windows of different applications and use Safari to browse the web.

Finally, clients will be able to see exciting 3D movies with clips about wild animals, oceans and sports. The medium highlights one that puts the user as if they are on a tightrope.

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