Thousands of bank employees demonstrated on the streets of Madrid demanding higher wages

VALENCIA (EFE). Trade unions estimate that “thousands” of bank employees demonstrated this Thursday on the streets of central Madrid in the biggest financial sector mobilization in decades, demanding wage restoration and better working conditions.

Worker representatives had been unsuccessfully negotiating with employers for weeks to extend their respective agreements and demanding wage increases of 17–23% over three years, “in line with industry advantages”, which in the case of the five major banks were historic and exceeded 26 billion euros.

In addition, the unions are demanding that organizations set limits on interest on loans granted to staff in the face of the Euribor rate hike, and take significant measures that improve the “increasingly precarious” working environment, characterized by commercial pressures, labor shortages. , loads and impact on health.”

Since they have not achieved any progress in these negotiations with the employers, the unions decided to announce a mobilization this Thursday in Madrid, which began at 11:30 in Calle Alcalá, 27-28-29, and will end at 14:00:00 hours in Paseo de Recoletos, 10, where they arrived exactly at 13:00.

For CCOO, the majority trade union in the financial sector, the demonstration was a “resounding success” as it managed to attract more than 3,000 union delegates; and, he warns, this is the beginning of an escalation of the conflict, since, in addition to this protest, there will be a partial strike on February 26, and a 24-hour strike on March 22, “if there is no improvement at the negotiating table.”

According to SECB-Fine, the social responsibility of enterprises must begin with respect for employees, who are the true creators of the benefits achieved.

“This demonstration is a consequence of the failure of employers’ associations to unite positions that we believe are consistent with the economic situation, the loss of purchasing power and the historical gains of the sector,” said Begoña Peiro, president of the SECB. -Great.

Faced with a “challenging” work environment resulting from years of crisis and financial sector restructuring, workers are saying “enough is enough” and demanding measures to ease the “cruel pressures” they describe, he said. they are “subordinate”.

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