Three diseases that can be fought with garlic

Three diseases that can be fought with garlic

Garlic, this humble ingredient that has been a mainstay of Mediterranean cuisine for centuries, has proven to be much more than just a tasty herb. With roots that They go back to Central Asia and travel through Arabia, Egypt, China and finally to the Mediterranean. Thanks to nomadic peoples and trade routes, garlic has not only left its mark on our recipes, but has also been a key component of traditional medicine since ancient times.

Since the 16th century garlic This was considered almost a panacea. used to treat various conditions. Key components of the garlic bulb, such as sulfur compounds, allicin, proteins, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals, give it properties that may benefit health on several levels.

From General Council of Colleges of PharmacyDr. Ricardo Blanco Escuredo explains the interest in garlic as a medicine in ancient times. Among the components are sulfur compounds and allin, as well as proteins and free amino acids, phenolic derivatives or fiber.

As he explains, “ European Medicines Agency endorses the use of garlic as a traditional medicine for the prevention of atherosclerosis, as well as for the relief of cold symptoms.”

For Dr. Ricardo, “Recommended dose for adults is 4 grams of garlic per day or 300 mg of crushed or capsuled garlic.

Cardiovascular diseases

One of Garlic’s Greatest Achievements This is its ability to promote cardiovascular health. Acting as a vasodilator, it helps improve blood circulation and reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels. In addition, its antiplatelet effect may be useful in the prevention of heart disease.

Immune system and infection prevention

Garlic, thank you its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, has historically been used to strengthen the immune system and fight infections. From colds to respiratory infections, garlic can be a valuable ally in the fight against infectious diseases.

Antioxidant and anti-aging properties

With its antioxidant compoundsgarlic may help combat oxidative stress and therefore help prevent premature aging. This attribute goes beyond appearance and contributes to the overall health of the body.

Digestion and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases

Garlic not only adds flavor to our dishes, but also may benefit digestive health. It helps maintain the balance of intestinal flora, relieves problems such as appendicitis, and is associated with the prevention of colon and stomach cancer.

How to use garlic to fight disease

In order tomake the most of the benefits of garlic, It is very important to know how to effectively include it in your diet. The recommended dosage is usually about 4 grams of fresh garlic per day or 300 milligrams of encapsulated minced garlic titrated to a specific percentage of allicin. The method of preparation can also affect its properties: for example, raw garlic may be more effective against bacteria if consumed immediately after it has been chopped or crushed.

Although Garlic toxicity is low, Caution is critical, especially with high doses. Its use is not recommended in situations of active bleeding or before surgery. Consulting with a healthcare professional is always recommended, in which case pharmacists can be valuable allies by answering questions and providing guidance on using garlic as a dietary supplement.

Garlic, Rich in nutritional content and health benefits, It’s more than just a culinary ingredient; It is a valuable tool in the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. While its strong odor may be a cause for concern for some, its undeniable medicinal properties make it a valuable asset in promoting optimal health.

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