tips on how to lose weight after 50

Boticaria GarciaMtmad

Over the years, losing those kilograms that we consider gained becomes, without a doubt, a real sacrifice. Moreover, as experts explain, with every decade added to our age, energy consumption is reduced 5%, and when they reach 50, the figure doubles to 10%, causing the stomach or cheeks to begin to droop.

Likewise, our lifestyle becomes more sedentarysomething that is combined with lack of restful sleep As a consequence of the established regime, this is a big problem when losing weight.

Three tips on how to lose weight after 50

Brain-gut balance essential for weight loss

First of all, it is always necessary to have Professional help a specialist who monitors the diets you want to implement in your daily life, as well as the rest of the alternatives available for weight loss, as they vary greatly from person to person, and what may be useful and beneficial for someone, may be an inconvenience for the rest.

Secondly, you need to have stability of the gut-brain axisdefined as “a two-way communication system whose balance is regulated by organic homeostasis,” that is, the state of balance necessary between all systems of our body in order for its functions to develop correctly and survive.

Boticaria Garcia’s advice on how to lose weight after 50

However, according to nutrition and pharmaceutical expert Marian Garcia, better known as Boticaria Garcia, a third factor should be added to this combination: muscle.

To do this, you need to take into account the foods that are on your plate before eating and a number of which it itself provides. recommendations for recommended amount and both nutrients are needed. It is also important to practice mindfulness techniques or gain full and conscious attention through exercises that will allow you to enjoy your food and notice the sensations that arise during lunch. In addition, it is necessary to combine the above and what the specialist indicates in detail in the images, with physical exercisewhose program should we include weightwhich will increase both muscle strength and endurance.

Finally, we should always prioritize the words and recommendations that the designated healthcare professional considers appropriate in each individual case.

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