Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered performed better on the Epic Games Store than on Steam, and its developers explain why

A few days ago community tomb Raider realized that the last remaster of the original trilogy, Tomb Raiders 1-3 Update, It worked better on the Epic Games Store version than on the Steam version.. Not only did it have more stable performance and better quality of some textures, but it also had additional content such as additional poses for photo mode, one of the new mechanics in the collection.

However, Aspirresearch responsible for development Tomb Raiders 1-3 Update, removed this version from the Epic Games Store and changed it to the same one that was on Steam. The company explained the reason for this change, which the community did not like: games on the Epic Games Store included incomplete material because it was build developing According to them, this did not meet the community’s expectations, so they decided to reconcile both versions.

Value Tomb Raiders 1-3 Update?

IN Vandal we played Tomb Raiders 1-3 Update To tell you in our review that “we enjoyed returning to these three games more than we expected. It’s true that the gunplay and some of the moments have aged well, but the sense of adventure and exploration they offer is almost unique and almost impossible to beat. find today. Visually it has more problems than it should, such as objects that are almost impossible to see with the current graphics or some textures that don’t fit in the settings at all, but overall it’s a very successful facelift.”

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