“Types of Kindness” by Yorgos Lanthimos, A Man in Thinking America

This new film by Greek director Yorgos Lanthimos is a troika with Oscar-winning actress Emma Stone, an unrivaled Hollywood movie poster and an object of deep admiration, like the 7th art exhibition in the modern world…

Après Favorite in 2018 and beyond, plus holidays, Poor creaturesin 2023, voici que sort en majesté sur les écrans Types of kindnessreceived the Palme d’Or at the last Cannes Film Festival.

Very terrible Poor creatures I have non-intervention in bewilderment, you have accomplished imaginary baroque, trope appuyet and systematic concession for the grotesque. Emma Stone is fond of hybrid and decadent films.

Dance Types of Kindnesselle demeure toujours au premier plan de l’action, a real center of dramatic convergence, as if it contained a compact force, qu’elle ne liberait vraiment qu’à l’image. As a result, the viewer doesn’t know that for her, the memes and other actors are not worthy of attention, as Jesse Plemons, who offers these grandiose compositions, says.

Corps conductors

Types of Kindness It consists of three stories played by meme actors who passed by the character on their way to a light deconstruction. This device is permitted, as Yorgos Lanthimos stated, “User of various aspects of comedy games”, as well as preserving the film’s most intense drama in another film. In French, Types of kindness this will be translated “de Bonte variety”oh de “bienveilance”. Our sommes proches des mots anglais “friendly” and etc. “look at yourself”and don’t forget about equal work “kindness” pair “sympathy”. What I think: “types of sympathy” ou, avec un peu d’audace: “types of conductors”for a fair of references to the French romantic Claude Simon. This is all a tricky title ironicet choisi pour étourdir le spectateur.

Three stories, created with Yorgos Lanthimos and the son of the screenwriter Efthymis Filipou, are a true portrait of the current America. The premiere met on stage with a man who was different in life and a manipulator of sadistic manners. The deux, the cage that was my prisoner, is not a policeman who did not find out even though the woman was saved from a naufrage. The Troy story tells the fate of the man in charge of a sect who participated in the search for a female census to save a woman from death. Yorgos Lanthimos is the art of creating an atmosphere of madness in each episode. It’s like Edgar Poe, I tell you, but like a revue and adaptation for the 70th anniversary. These deviating humans make it easier for monsters to appear. In the end, they are deep in psychosis with the nature that acts. We prefer, for example, that politics convince us that a woman is double, and that it demands of her a kitchen, a son. In this sense, le cinéaste montre this scene of horror of a manner assez peu crédible et presque grand-guignolesque, more than anything else in the world can be seen in these incomprehensible images and curious realism. About the impression of what happened to you.

Alienation from me

Malgre is about excess, and I understand that the film is the most serious film.

Yorgos Lanthimos describes the people who exist as our authors. Exceeding the alliance that the society operates on these, it continues in the irrationalities, tentatively revolting to be heard I intimate. The first episode will be very close to the possession of soi, if at this time, as a specialist, the heure or identity of the people is called into question. Pour bien apprécier Types of kindnessI was wondering what faudrait le mettre was in relation to the thought of Jean Baudrillard (cf. America1986, “A sociologist who deals with all the delirs of contemporaries who live beyond the Atlantic”). In light of its entertainment aspects, Yorgos Lanthimos’ film offers us a reality and a reflection legal parfaiting à propos du monde que nous habits. It is the privilege of fiction, souvent, d’en dire autant, sinon plus, que la philosophie or la psychiatry, that answers the serious questions that we observe.

In the latest episode, centered in the New Age section, the most coveted anorexic body of a woman, played by Emma Stone, becomes the target of various physical attacks, including rape. La Brulité rises to the maximum deviation, Alors que C’est La “cleansing” who investigates this. Like God, in such a way, it has left the rest of the world in deep misery. Types of Kindness is reflected in an endemic disease. In a very contemporary nihilism, it seems to have come with the potential to impress the realist, since the idea of ​​a redemption is improbable, and therefore to come. Aura-t-here? And this without this moral aspiration, which can be found in the plan of the arrival of Yorgos Lanthimos, which allows you to take off your autant de delectation (but a sullen lelectation). Avant-garde, Types of kindnessit is art; and this art is ambiguous – it is a terrible brand of the factory d’un grand metteur en scène, which came out for an encore, and we proposed.

Types of Kindness Yorgos Lanthimos. Starring Emma Stone, Jesse Plemons, Willem Dafoe. On sale June 26.

AmericaJean Baudrillard. Ed. Grasset, 1986. Edited by: Livre de Poche.


Price: 6.90 euros

32 used and new Available from 3.80 euro

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