UFV and the Community of Madrid are creating a Chair in Occupational Safety, Health and Well-Being.

Department of Occupational Safety, Health and Well-BeingUFV and the Community of Madrid are creating a Chair in Occupational Safety, Health and Well-Being.

The Community of Madrid has signed an agreement with the Francisco de Vitoria University to establish a chair that will promote culture, education and inclusion in the field of safety, health and well-being at work, through the Regional Institute for Safety and Health at Work (IRSST).

The Minister of Economy, Finance and Employment spoke about this. Rocio Albert, during the signing of an agreement that emphasized that the professionals studying in the classrooms of the Francisco de Vitoria University are the best link between the university and the world of business. Thus, this body will provide the chairman with the tools, documents, equipment and infrastructure to monitor and implement program activities.

rector of UVV, Daniel Sada, wanted to highlight commitment, collaboration and the importance of knowledge transfer in the field of safety and health. “As a university, we must transfer the knowledge gained from research and teaching at the university to companies and society at large. This is consistent with UFV’s mission to make a practical and meaningful impact in the business and social world,” explained the rector.

In its turn, Marina Parra, Director General of the Labor Department of CAM and Manager of the Regional Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IRSST), emphasized that the IRSST is one of the best regional institutes in Spain and its role as a reference material in national conferences and conferences and Companies are committed to this for dissemination and implementation of preventive practices in the Madrid Community, demonstrating the significant impact and scale of their work. He also wanted to highlight a particularly emotional and significant aspect of the institute’s work – the inclusion of people with disabilities in the preventive culture. The director mentions a specific program that allows these people to acquire basic skills to prevent occupational risks, which facilitates their integration into the labor market.

The agreement is formulated in the objectives included in the VI Master Plan for the Prevention of Occupational Hazards, which provides for the creation of a research, development and innovation direction aimed at investigating the impact of working conditions, and which has already been implemented in other firms with other organizations.

Among the planned actions, the promotion of projects related to vulnerable people or people with functional diversity stands out; product and service development; promoting the dissemination of results through scientific and technical publications; meeting experts, collaborating on other educational initiatives, supporting research and organizing conferences, seminars or ongoing forums on the topic.

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