Venezuela-Guyana dispute deepens due to arrival of British ship and Maduro’s military deployment

The arrival of the British ship and Maduro’s military deployment have deepened the Venezuela-Guyana dispute. (Europa Press/Juan Carlos Hernandez)

“To combat, let’s move forward!” he orders Nicolas Maduro, Images of fighter planes were then circulated military warship near the sea in dispute with Guyana: a display of strength in front of a warship United Kingdom Will reach the area this Friday.

Guyana’s Foreign Ministry sources confirm “uneven” arrivals HMS Trent For its water. The incident has reignited tensions between the two countries as part of a century-old struggle for territory. esquiboWhich has increased after the discovery of rich oil reserves.

Venezuela mobilized 5,682 According to Caracas, fighters include airplanes in their “defense” deployments F-16 and Sukhoi fighter Russian warships, maritime patrol vessels, missile-armed boats and amphibious vehicles.

Maduro’s arrival considered Trent As a provocation and threat by the United Kingdom against the peace and sovereignty of the country.

London responded to this venezuelan maneuvers They were “unfair and must stop.” “We are working with our partners in the region to prevent an escalation of tensions and are monitoring the situation closely,” a spokesperson said Friday.

Guyana had already given clear signals of its desire to reduce tension levels. chairman Irfan Ali He assured that the purpose of the exercises with the British was not “to be aggressive or take offensive action”.

According to Caracas, Venezuela deployed 5,682 combatants in its “defense” deployment, which includes Russian F-16 and Sukhoi fighter aircraft, warships, maritime patrol vessels, boats armed with missiles and amphibious vehicles. (EFE/Miguel Gutierrez)

,Neither Venezuela nor any other state has anything to fearThere are no plans to cancel the maneuvers, he said.

However, the Venezuelan opposition in a statement insisted on the “immediate” removal of the ship and, in line with the government, called the action “provocative”.

Rocío San Miguela military expert and habitual critic of the government, described the British military presence as “a folly that forces Venezuela to react as it has done so far.”

,The military increase will depend on the activities of this British ship in the waters to be demarcated“, he pointed.

gary bestWho was the chief of staff of Guyana Defense ForceRest assured that these types of exercises are routine.

“I understand that Venezuela sees this as a provocation, but from Guyana’s perspective, no; “Other ships have also passed through the area as part of the regional security mechanism,” he told AFP. “In this context it has taken on another meaning,” but “it is not unusual nor is it a threat to Venezuelan sovereignty.”

brazilwhich Guyana has also played military exercisesexpressed its concern about the current situation and, without directly naming the United Kingdom, said in a statement that it “believes that military demonstrations of support for either side should be avoided, so that the ongoing negotiation process results.” Could give.”

Infographic by: Marcelo Regalado

The British presence in the region gives many people a sense of the environment before falklands war In 1982.

Venezuela says esquiboThe 160,000 km2 area, rich in natural resources, has been part of its territory since it was a colony of Spain and appeals to the Geneva Accords, signed in 1966 before Guyana’s independence from the United Kingdom, which laid the foundation for negotiations. Reconciliation and annulment of the 1899 decree that established the boundaries george town asks International Court of Justice (ICJ) to ratify.

Tensions increased in Venezuela following a December 3 referendum on Essequibo’s sovereignty. Fear of armed conflict arose in the area.

Maduro and Ali met in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines on 14 December, where they agreed that their governments would not reciprocate the use of force “directly or indirectly” under any circumstances.

CARICOMThose promoting the meeting have not yet commented on this new step.

Infographic by: Marcelo Regalado

Best indicated that this mobilization is also related to Venezuela’s internal politics: Maduro wants third place re-election In 2024. “It’s a show of strength, a grand display of keeping the fire burning.”

Although the analyst luis vicente leon He stressed to the X Network that “political manipulation of the conflict (which we reject) should not be confused with the duty to defend the national territory (which we support).”

is an important actor usaHero in internal talks for release of political prisoners And reach electoral conditions for next year, but also with oil interests in both countries. There is silence till now.


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