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A fire caused by an attack by Houthi rebels on a British oil tanker in the Gulf of Aden has been brought under control

Trafigura, British oil tanker assembly company marlin luandaIt has been reported that the fire caused by the attack by Yemeni Houthis has already been extinguished and the ship is now heading towards a safe port. The cargo ship was attacked in the Gulf of Aden on Friday night, one of the most serious attacks since rebels decided to launch a campaign against shipping in the area to pressure Israel over its military offensive in Gaza. did.

After several hours of hard work, the workers were finally successful in controlling the fire. According to the company’s latest statement, all employees are fine. “The crew continues to closely monitor the vessel and cargo,” the company highlighted. Trafigura has highlighted the “extraordinary dedication and bravery” of the captain and crew in fighting the fire “in very difficult conditions”. Apart from this he thanked the help of Indian, American and French military ships.

The shipowner reported that the tanker was transporting “naphtha of Russian origin obtained in accordance with the price limits set by the G-7 sanctions”, which is a hydrocarbon used to manufacture chemical products, and was destined for Greece.

The Houthis have given another version: according to rebel sources in the Al Mayadeen network, the ship was heading to Israel loaded with “special fuel” for fighter planes and they even went so far as to charge American and British destroyers Had come. sailing ship marlin luanda Regarding his fate, the company has made an outright denial in its latest statement.

First reported in a statement collected by British security firm Ambre bloombergThe ship was hit by a missile while passing through the Gulf of Aden, causing a fire, although the crew is safe.

The US military Central Command (CENTCOM) confirmed via social networks that the anti-shipping and Marshall Islands-flagged oil tanker was hit off Houthi-controlled areas in Yemen. In the same communication, CENTCOM said that “the ship issued a distress call and reported damage” and that USS Carney And other international coalition ships “have responded and are providing assistance.” (agencies)


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