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Moins supernova-teur qu’envoûtant

Dance Le Remplasan, Terre is dead. Surprenant? Pas Tellement: This point of departure has full rights of understanding with GIEC and is a returning figure from San Francisco. L’humanité doit se trouver une échappatoire au-delà de son of atmospherefrom the meme maniere, which is given Interstellar (don’t repeat ici la tempête de sable), Elysium et bien d’autres.

The Younger (epatante Paul Mescal) est convoqué pour faire party des pionniers, à la faveur d’un tirage au sort closer to a call than a tambola. When he missed the opening of the orbital station, his greatest fear was the inevitability of separation from the company (Saoirse Ronan). Le nez au ras du sol plutôt que braque sur les étoiles, le movie s’inéresse moins aux precurseurs qu’à ce qu’ils doivent laisser derrière.

Opponents: Saoirse Ronan, Paul MescalGood cop 28 or bad cop 28?

Avatar, AI… Le Remplasan Moisson du Côté des themes en vogue. This is nothing more than a pas sans évoquer. some iconic episodes Black mirror (Mon cœur pour la viel’un des plus accrocheurs de la dernière Fournée, most in Australia bientôt de return in season 2).

The intrigue is still there Ressere, author of the dynamic quasi-closed house anti-performance. Of course, you were in a few places and in futuristic plans, but most of the scenes were destroyed in a secluded corner of the farm, among four murs-enduits from papier-paint-defraici.

With the exception of the silhouettes that emerge in the arrival plan, the casting is a resume for the two turteros and the person in charge of hiring. Device in or fill match the value of your performers’ talent : Paul Mescal was one of two actors in this range, and he did not appreciate the opportunity to use this palette in front of all the actors Gladiator 2.

Enemy: Saoirse RonanEnemy: Saoirse RonanRemainder

Science fiction l’intime

This profound concept is a psychological study of a couple. The prospect of the great departure Junior et Hen à se readjuster, que ce soit pour se souder or act la separation. Et l’arrivée annoncée d’une version robotique du futur, absent in nature, is a simplification of this whirlpool of emotions.

Etirant les fils de son postulat SF, Le Remplasan Appuie certain problems within the metaphor. Alternative double figure, uncertain realityrespondent eventually The manner is not constructed individually, within and (partiellement) by the couple. Direct confrontation, manifest play, individual interrogations and decuverting of registrations that occur due to incidents related to rejection… or à l’accentuation of non-dits.

Opponents: Saoirse Ronan, Paul MescalOpponents: Saoirse Ronan, Paul MescalLes sanglots longs des violons

In the role of the anxious tier, Aaron Pierre sees himself traveling the world and being restless. IN instill otherness in the hearts of a couple, this is a kind of powerful problems and way of thinking in three different interactions. Aimantée par l’alchimie de ses interprètes, la camera prend le temps de scruter leurs visages et leurs silence.

En découle une Surele Langueur, ouatee atmosphere, shrouded in melancholic veils. Si ce rythme pourra decontenancer ceux qui s’imaginient une aventure spacee trepidante, elle entretient une delicieuse of disorder qui nous laisse, à l’image des personnages, toujours à un souffle de perdre pied.

The Replacement (also called “Enemy”) will be available on Amazon Prime Video starting January 5, 2024.

Enemy: English posterEnemy: English poster

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