“Water bears” are the most indestructible animal in the sea.

tardigradesalso known as water bears, invertebrates less than a millimeter in size has long been capable of survive in the most difficult conditions populate the Earth. Are microscopic animals with eight legs that can support temperature from 150°C to -270°C and they were taken to International Space Station (ISS) to conduct various investigations.

According to cnnthe amazing ability of these creatures to survive is due to ability to enter a form of suspended animation when living conditions become extremely difficult. This mysterious defense mechanism is known as “tuna state”.

How do they manage to survive for so long?

In conditions of extreme cold or other environmental complications, the bodies of tardigrades capable of producing “unstable oxygen free radicals and an unpaired electron”. The survival mechanism is activated when cysteines (amino acid in the body), They come into contact with these oxygen radicals and become oxidized.. This is what causes the protective “tuna state” that allows water bears survive in any habitat.

These amazing properties allow these creatures to return to life decades after dehydration. As explained BBCwhen they dry out, they retract their head and limbs, contract to form a ball, and enter into it. state of suspended animation in which they displace all the water your body and your metabolism slows down to 0.01% normal rate. What’s shocking is what if years later they come back? contact with waterthey can come back to life.

Survivors in space

Considering the amazing qualities of these animals, 2007 research group I’m sending three thousand tardigrades into space for twelve days to test their durability. Almost 70% of the sample survived No problem. Years later, in 2019 Israeli investigation Bereshit crashed into surface of the moonwhat caused releasing thousands of these creatures who are most likely still alive today.

Finally, last June 2021Spaceship Tesla’s SpaceX Dragon has once again sent hundreds of tardigrades to the International Space Station in order to study their behavior.

“Tardigrades are ideal because they are microscopic, multicellular, and one of the longest-lived life forms on planet Earth.” said Nova Spivak, head of the Arch Mission Foundation, which studies microscopic life forms. The investor guarantees that chances of survival water bears “extremely high”.

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