What effect does eating pistachios have on the brain every day?

pistachios They dried fruit very common in our diet and one of the most popular in Spain. They are commonly eaten between meals, as a snack, and are also used in desserts and as a side dish for salads and meats.

According to the disclosure portal ‘Health’, Pistachios are a food rich in flavonoid antioxidants such as anthocyanins and flavones, which have decisive protection against cognitive decline by reducing cell damage and inflammation.

Besides, are rich in many nutrientsespecially in healthy fats, proteins, fiber and vitamins B and E. Also They contain lower amounts of copper, potassium, iron, vitamin E and zinc.

Thus, the high nutritional value of pistachios makes them healthy. perfect food strengthen our immune system, improve cognitive development, strengthen tissue growth and give us a good dose energyamong other benefits.

A study from Loma Linda University in California found that regular consumption from dried fruits, including pistachiosimproves brain wave frequencies associated with cognition, learning and memory. In particular, pistachios showed the greatest response to gamma waves, which is critical for improving cognitive processing and information retention.


Pistachios may contain more beneficial substances for our nervous system. In particular, this nut is an excellent source of two very important compounds: lutein and zeaxanthin.

Lutein and zeanthasin are carotenoids, two types of pigments that are also present in red and orange fruits and vegetables such as carrots or peppers. Coincidentally, these two specific types of carotenoids are 77% of total carotenoids in our brainand play a role in certain brain functions.

No wonder a study published in the prestigious journal Frontiers in Nutrition concluded that a diet rich in carotenoids is associated with improvement of memory and cognitive functions, and also with lower risk of developing depression.


Pistachios are very good for both Blood pressure regulation like levels cholesterol and from sugar in the blood, which leads to lower risk of brain problems Related to cardiovascular and metabolic health for example, stroke or vascular dementia.

For example, a literature review published in the journal Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Trials and Reviews in 2020 found that pistachio-based interventions significantly reduced fasting blood glucose and insulin resistance in people with diabetes.

Similarly, another paper of the same type, published the same year in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that diets enriched with pistachios were more effective than those fortified with other nuts when it comes to lowering total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (colloquially “bad cholesterol”) and triglycerides.


Of course, while pistachios are a healthy food for the vast majority of people, it doesn’t hurt to take a few things into account when including them in your diet.

On the one hand, as with any other food, no matter how healthy it may be, you should always remember that it is more important to eat a healthy and balanced diet than to regularly consume any specific food. On the other hand, pistachios, especially when consumed salted or fried, may contain large amounts sodiumTherefore, people with contraindications to salt intake (especially those with hypertension or kidney problems) should moderate your consumption or look for medications with lower sodium concentrations.

Finally, people with nut allergies They may suffer serious reactions with the consumption of pistachios, so they should avoid them.

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