What happens to the body if you stop eating flour?

In the first days without consuming flour, you will likely feel a decrease in energy levels (illustrative image by Infobae).

Many people who do not suffer from celiac disease or gluten intolerance decide eliminate your diet That flour.

And although there is growing evidence of how harmful refined flour In terms of overall health, the truth is that when we talk about “freeing up flour” today, we are talking about all starchy foods, including bread, cookies, pasta, potatoes, corn and corn derivatives, sweet potatoes and other tubers. , white rice, sugar and foods containing sugar.

Thus, the diet will be based on the consumption of fresh fruits, legumes, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products, among other things.

A significant clarification on this matter is that white flour is the most processed. In fact, they owe their color to a cleaning process during which eliminate all of it nutrientsthat’s how they turn out less healthy.

However, replace them with whole wheat flour This may well be an option as they retain fibre, vitamins and minerals.

Carbohydrates serve as fuel for the body and should make up 50% to 55% of the food eaten during the day (Getty).

One of the first consequences of a flour-free diet will undoubtedly be weight losssince when all these types of foods are excluded from the diet, the contribution of carbohydrates is significantly reduced.

Also, oddly enough, people feel more satiety and decreased appetite (this is due to the fiber contained in unrefined flour, which helps slow down the onset of hunger).

Moreover, in the long term, reducing or limiting starch intake prevents the risk of developing diabetesAccording to a study conducted by the Miguel Servet University Hospital in Zaragoza, Spain.

Likewise, triglyceride levels will decrease as the liver stops producing fat from the excess glucose these carbohydrates provide. And as a consequence of this meaning arterial pressurewhich, together with the above factors (diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, etc.), increase the risk of cardiovascular problems.

Withdrawal symptoms include lethargy, headaches, irritability, fatigue, nausea, and fatigue (Getty).

In the first days without consuming flour, it is likely that you will experience decreased energy levels. This is because carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy, so an initial lack of them can cause fatigue and lethargy.

However, over time you may notice improvements in digestionbecause, as already stated, refined flour lacks fiber and by eliminating it, the digestive system can function more efficiently, reducing bloating and abdominal discomfort.

In terms of weight, modest weight loss is likely to be seen in just a few weeks without flour, as eliminating it can reduce your intake of empty calories and cause a decrease in water retention.

It is also possible that blood levels will be more stable. blood sugar levelwhich can help control food cravings and prevent insulin spikes.

Find healthy options that replace flour with nutritious foods that provide essential carbohydrates (Getty)

It is possible that by refusing flour, people suffer from the so-called “carbohydrate withdrawal syndrome”. This is because these types of foods trigger pleasure in an area of ​​the brain called the reward area, and when you stop eating them, it causes a feeling of intense discomfort, according to a study conducted at the University of the Andes.

You should know that there is an area or reward system in the brain where dopamine, a neurotransmitter, emits a pleasure signal, meaning that when it increases, a person experiences greater satisfaction. Scientific research has proven that carbohydrates fast absorption such as those found in industrial foods cause this sensation, as do other drugs such as cocaine, heroin, morphine and nicotine.

People who have a penchant for “food drugs,” such as flour, sweets, sweets, etc., need to consume large quantities of these foods to achieve the same pleasure effect. When there are no industrial carbohydrates, dopamine decreases at very low or no levels, a withdrawal syndrome occurs, which is manifested by symptoms such as lethargy, very severe headaches, irritability, fatigue, nausea and fatigue. These signs may last from two to seven days.

More and more people are deciding to eliminate flour from their diet (Getty)

Considering all of the above, it can be emphasized that carbohydrates serve fuel to the heart and brain, so they should account for 50% to 55% of the food consumed during the day.

However, excessive consumption is harmful to health. But on the other hand, it is impossible to completely eliminate them, since this would entail other problems.

The ideal is reduce said excess by limiting flour consumption. To do this, you need to find healthy options that allow you to replace them with nutritious foods that provide essential carbohydrates.

Experts agree that it is neither necessary nor advisable to completely eliminate flour, but it is necessary to limit or moderate it. So, for example, in a recipe that calls for one cup of flour, you can use half a cup of whole wheat flour (or oats) and half a cup of wheat flour. This is easier to maintain over time as it avoids withdrawal.

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