What if Taylor Swift plays a role in the upcoming European elections?

Ca devait of arrival: at the time when Swiftologue automatically proclaimed this morning night, I saw this huge pop star sur la request, and decisive, the American presidential election in November… More voilà que Taylor Swift pourrait, despite the June elections, for the renewal of the European Parliament!

Walking down the rope, Taylor Swift is the world’s most streamed artist on Spotify in 2023, the first artist to release a billion-dollar recipes on the ERAS Tour, surpassing the tour’s record. Farewell, Elton John… And the premier artist was appointed persona de l’année par le Time aux Etats-Unis.

The 34-year-old country singer has made a major impact…on the world! With his emergence as a conservative voice in the fight against Trump, with his ability to mobilize the youth and popular classes, with an army of fans claiming everything, Swift has become a real political force. And if the plot sphere broadcast by the Fox News channel, and voit aujourd’hui an Agent du Pentagone et/ou une Sorcière sataniste, ça ne fait que confirmer son effect! “A Man Bigger Than Swift in Support of the Election” summary David Jackson, professor at Bowling Green State University, questioned by AFP!

Et l’Europe dans tout ça? Aware of these political issues, Vice-President of the European Commission, I welcomed Margaritis Schinas to send Taylor a stress-relieving message from the conference on the most compassionate press! Puisse-t-elle inciter les jeunes électeurs européens à aller voicer comme elle l’a fait en septembre dernier pour les prochaines échéances américaines… 35,000 inscriptions were made during the voyage.

Pas encore de Taylor’s declaration in this sense, most of all on the European Tour in the summer, which begins in Paris on May 9 at the Arena Défense, and will be in this case… On sait déjà qu’elle aura un effect sur l’économie européenne in terms of tourism. In Paris, when booking on AirBnb, you get a 30% discount on nights and food; in Lisbon and Madrid, the rates are twice as high. Edimburg and Stockholm, that’s another plus three! “Effet Taylor” is not the beginning!

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