What is a magnetic motor and how does it work?

Have you heard of magnetic motor? We explain its viability and resolve any doubts about its operation.

What is a magnetic motor and how does it work?
The Internet is full of free plans that you can use to build your own magnetic motors. They work?

Since the beginning of mankind, access and use Energy sources They determined the development path of each of the civilizations that inhabited our planet. Although we believe we are very different from our cave-dwelling ancestors, the truth is that we are in the same struggle to use the available energy resources to keep us warm, fed, moved and, ultimately, progress. .

He energy challenge of our civilization was transferred to the climatic plane. We want cleaner energy sources that produce no greenhouse gas emissions. However, if we analyze all the energy sources that people have used to date, we will see that we have always evolved towards technologies that have less impact on the environment. Either without destroying forests, or simply saving costs.

However, we still have the same problems as our ancestors. Despite our advances in science, we have not been able to create a machine capable of producing unlimited and sustainable energy. Nuclear fusion energy seems to be the only solution to achieve this goal. The best physicists of our era work there. On the other hand, there are experiments such as magnetic enginea machine that, on paper, would be capable of constantly generating energy.

What is a magnetic motor? Where are you from?

patent illustration rendezvous

You can create your own Perendeve, although don’t get your hopes up too high.

Is it possible to make a motor using magnets? We are not talking about the well-known electric motors with permanent magnets, which are found in many electric vehicles, but about machines based solely on magnetism and attraction between magnets.

Magnetism has fascinated many scientists and inventors for centuries. There is evidence that work on generators of this type began more than 800 years ago. However, since the 19th century, many people have tried develop prototype motors using only magnets.

The most famous magnetic motor today Reendev, a fuel that gained some fame from the figure of Michael Brady. Many plans for its replication can be found on the Internet, although the scientific community has always demonstrated its most categorical opposition to this invention.

How does a magnetic motor work?

The question in this case would have to be more like “how should a magnetic motor work.” Still magnetic motor It is developed only on a theoretical level.. On YouTube you will find many videos of people who claim to have created a fully functional version – both Perendev and many other previous versions. But for some unknown reason they don’t want to show it to us.

In any case, defenders of this technology argue that the magnetic motor runs endlessly due to the arrangement of the magnets so that the magnetic fields are constantly in a state of repulsion. They may require a small boost when starting, but will then be able to operate without the need for external electrical or mechanical power.

The magnetic motor comes in what we call “perpetual motion machine”something that, when science is ahead, unviable contradicting some laws of thermodynamics, as we will see a little later in this article.

What is the difference between a magnetic motor and a permanent magnet motor?

operation of motor magnets

Anxiety spoiler: one works, the other doesn’t

There are excellent differences between magnetic motors and permanent magnet motors. The use of these seconds is widespread, especially in the electric vehicle market.

He permanent magnet motor operation it’s simple. The magnets are fixed inside the motor, creating a constant magnetic field. When electricity passes through the coils of wire in an engine, it creates electric field which interacts with the magnetic field of magnets. This interaction creates a force that rotates the motor rotor. In this way, electrical energy is converted into mechanical movement that drives the motor. It is a clean and very efficient fuel, although it is really expensive to produce.

On the other side, The magnetic motor does not require electric current.. Apparently, they must generate movement continuously, playing only with the attraction and repulsion of the magnets themselves.

Why are magnetic motors not viable?

Mike Brady engine

Even though it went very viral, Mike Brady’s engine is useless.

The idea of ​​creating a perpetual motion machine is undoubtedly fascinating. However laws of physics In this sense, they are real spoilers. In practice, there is no evidence that there is a single functional prototype using this technology.

If you still have doubts, we leave you with the main reasons why this engine cannot be put into practice:

First law of thermodynamics

The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed from one form to another.

Humanity has tried to violate this principle countless times, but physics has always had its way. Magnetic engine suggests the possibility of creating a perpetual motion machine without the use of external energy.. That is, a magnetic engine could create energy out of nothing.

Second principle of thermodynamics

The magnetic motor theoretical approach also contradicts the second law of thermodynamics, which states that all systems tend to move in the direction entropy or disorder.

Essentially, a magnetic motor is described as an ideal motor. He can move forever no heat and no loss of efficiency due to friction. Therefore, we would talk about a closed system that operates constantly without increasing its entropy. One more point on physics.

The principle of conservative forces

world magnetic motors

The world of magnetic motors is full of secrets and low-resolution videos. To the good one who understands…

Another reason why the magnetic motor has become so famous is due to the lack of knowledge about how magnetic forces and forces in general work. When we play with two magnets, we feel the force of attraction or repulsion, but sometimes we fail to do so. fully understand how they work.

A simple example to understand this principle of conservative forces is the Ferris wheel. When you get to the cabin and reach the top point, you win potential energy. This previously required electrical energy to move the ride. Then, when the wheel brings you back to earth, that potential energy will decrease and you will gain kinetic energy. When the attraction stops and you return to earth, you are the same as you were at the beginning. You have no more energy than when you started.

Magnets work in a similar way. They may push or pull other objects, but ultimately the action is like a person riding a Ferris wheel: everything returns to where it started. If you try to use magnets to spin something constantly, you will find that, just like the carnival ride example, you will end up everything returns to the starting point without gaining anything extra.

Technical problem

There are some magnetic motor designs that can reach make a movement. For a while and after a good push, of course. To all this we must add that the energy required to maintain the movement of the system will always be greater than the energy that can be produced. Therefore, some defenders of these engines argue that they are not very practical.

To all this we must add, as we have already said, friction and air resistance. No matter how much one says that these machines can run smoothly, friction and air resistance itself will eventually slow down the movement.

Lack of industrial adoption

Some advocates for the viability of magnetic motors argue that they work great but are not produced because they are expensive to produce. cost of magnets. However, logic tells us that if this engine were possible, someone would be able to reproduce it in the real world. This is not suitable for companies that have a lot of money in this world.

Other proponents of these engines claim that there are all sorts of conspiracies to bury this technology. In any case, after hundreds of years of experimentation and a large amount of literature on the topic, everything seems to indicate that the magnetic motor is nothing more than a scam designed to attract the unwary.

Magnetic motor. This is a fraud?

magnetic engine

There are thousands of similar concepts, but none of them can surpass thermodynamics.

It all depends on how you look at it. The truly beautiful thing about science is power free to investigate, no matter what the rest of the scientific community says. History is full of cases like Nikola Tesla or the Wright brothers, who were the subject of ridicule and skepticism even though they were right. A more recent example is James Dyson, who had to move heaven and earth to convince investors to finance his cyclonic vacuum cleaner. Other engineers believed that what was now the leading technology in its sector was not viable.

Everything that has been researched to date on the magnetic motor is not in vain. After all, this is important for humanity Know what works and what doesn’t. However, the magnetic motor has also been used as a bait to make all kinds of fraud. Therefore, we cannot claim that this is a fraud in itself; This is simply not a viable invention because it is incompatible with the very laws of physics.

What happened to the Perendeva engine?

LinkedIn Peredev

The magnetic motor played a cruel joke on Brady, who ended up behind bars

Perendev Group’s magnetic motor didn’t have a happy ending. At the beginning of this century, Mike Brady received funding from a large number of customers interested in his generator. Brady claimed to be able to create 100 kW electromechanical generators, so he soon lined his pockets with a million euros.

Apparently, Perendev Group never delivered a single device to any of its 41 clients. After numerous complaints, Brady was arrested in 2010. He was later accused of fraud and sentenced to 5 years and 9 months in prison.

We’ve reached the end. If you’ve made it this far because of a social media post about this type of engine, then you now know that they are indeed viable. However, if you want to know a little more about the mechanics and the systems at work, we invite you to take a look at this article in which we explain how electric vehicle engines work. If you prefer to read about regular mechanics, read another article about how a car transmission works.

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