What is “interval walking” and why is it good for weight loss?

Majority healthy and effective For lose weight can be achieved through feeding balanced and common practice exercise.

More specifically, there are certain ways to carry out these instructions, such as reflection. what products you have to eat them and what kind of physical activity most corresponding.

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Andrea Reyes

According to experts, to go for a walk It’s great to achieve lose weight and also to receive other advantages How: reduce stress, increase energy levels, improve blood circulation and mobility, increase aerobic physical performance, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, among other things.

Moreover, if this is done in Fresh air, advantages this sport you can multiply, be very useful for organism.

When you’re looking lose weightone of the most effective alternatives for creating daily walk do it in intervals.

This practice consists of alternating periods of higher intensity while walking others are recovering at a slower pace. You will learn more about this method in this article.

How to walk at intervals

How to walk at intervals

Walking at intervals this is the closest to HIIT session (high-intensity interval training), but in a walking version, since it provides similar benefits both on the level cardiovascular and physical level.

This practice Helps increase muscle strength, speed up metabolism and burn calories.and this is the perfect exercise for lose weight.

A frequently asked question among those who want to master this exercise: how to walk at intervals as it seems like a difficult task. However this is something quite simple understand and achieve.

This technique consists of speed up your walk, reduce the intensity to recover and return to your original pace.

Additionally, Michelle Stanten, Exercise Science Consultant, University School of Public Health Harvardnoted that it should walk during 15, 30 or 60 seconds at higher intensity And recover I’m going to normal rhythm, doubling this time.

What pace is good for walking?

Although there is an average speed walk It is important to clarify that some People go faster, while others are slower. In any case, everything will be fine, because the main thing is to accept it. habit carry with you Healthy life.

Making this point clearer, a study by Leicester and the UK Office for National Statistics found that good rhythm walking is 6.40 kilometers per hour.

However, he clarifies that speed there must be superiors on this number if you want to get big advantages How prevent diseases and health problems.

In this sense, the investigation confirmed that people who walk quickly live longer and they have fewer health problems compared to those who limit themselves to walking.

To reach this conclusion, the researchers analyzed data from 391,652 people recruited between 2006 and 2010 and living in the country during the decade from 2011 to 2021.

Finally, the report states that those who walk quickly They have approximately 25% less chance suffer cancer throughout life and risk of suffering cardiovascular incidents are also 60% lower.

This information is in no way a substitute for a doctor’s diagnosis or prescription. It is important to consult a specialist when symptoms appear and never self-medicate.

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