What is it and how to prevent the company from making spam calls to you

We’ll show you a trick companies use to give them permission to spam you, and tell you how to avoid it.

Let’s explain it to you What is prior consent to call?, a concept in the General Telecommunications Act that many companies take advantage of to keep harassing us over the phone. We will also tell you how you can avoid giving them such consent.

This law makes it illegal to make promotional calls without your consent, and they can only call you if you are or have had a relationship with them. However, it does have several articles that talk about exceptions and which some companies use to avoid them.

What is prior consent to call?

The General Telecommunications Law has two clauses that talk about the rights of users and which provide for the possibility of prior consent of the user which allows the company to make spam calls.

The law says the following:

“(Users have the right) not to receive automated calls without human intervention or fax messages for commercial purposes without prior consent.”

“(Users have the right) not to receive unsolicited calls for commercial communications purposes unless the user has prior consent to receive that type of commercial communications.”

Come on, the law says companies can’t send us spam calls or sales calls that we don’t want… unless we’ve given the company prior consent so they can make them to us. And what companies do hide this prior consent so that you give it to them without knowing it.and so they can continue to spam you.

Companies do it with an additional field when you accept the privacy policy when you create an account with them. In this field, you agree to receive commercial messages from the company and it gives them prior consent that if you register for a product, they can call you to advertise any other product.

Usually, when we register for a product, we usually do it quickly: we usually don’t read the terms and conditions and don’t pay much attention to the fields to accept them. And that’s exactly what they play.

They do this by playing with dark patterning techniques that try to hack our brains so that we give them consent without wanting to. There may be times when privacy policies will offer you the option to mark them as read and accept them, and next to them will be other permissions that are optional but don’t appear to beand this serves to give them such consent.

How not to give prior consent

The only thing you need to do to avoid giving prior consent is pay close attention to the boxes accept the privacy policy, terms and conditions or similar terms.

Here you should know that although you are presented with several boxes, It is only necessary to note I have read and accept the terms of the privacy policy, or similar. Next to this field there will be others that are optional and do not require verification.

With this, don’t check the accept box All if there is at the end, because by doing so you accept the terms and conditions, as well as commercial notices and all additional options that they request from you. And although there is no box to take everything. pay close attention to accepting commercial messageswhich is usually next to the one that accepts the privacy policy.

The point is that you only check the box that is required, and do not select additional checkboxes accept other types of messages, including spam. It’s difficult because companies play with you with almost no attention to what you do and just accept everything, and you just need to pay a little attention.

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In the Basics of Hataki | I keep getting commercial calls: why is this happening and what to do to avoid phone spam

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