What is ringworm, how does it spread and what to do if you have symptoms

bath (tinea) – this infection caused by a fungus. This occurs when a fungus grows and multiplies on the skin, which can also infect hair and nails.

This is a disease that can be transfer from one person to another. Moreover, about a year ago there were warnings about an outbreak of disease in some hair salons due to shaving. Then the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology warned that razors that were not properly disinfected became the source of infection.

A person can become infected through contact –skin to skin– with another person who has it, or with objects infected with fungussuch as combs, unwashed clothes, etc. Ringworm can also be contracted from pets.Cats are the most common carriers.

How is ringworm transmitted?

Ringworm is contagious and can be transmitted through physical contact from one person to another, that is, through the skin. It can also spread to other parts of the body. For pets or animals. Or touching objects that are not properly disinfected. Contact with contaminated surfaces, sheets, towels, clothing or shoes, combs, razors…

Symptoms of ringworm

Ringworm can also be called dermatophytosis. Dermatophytes are fungi that grow in damp and warm places. This is a type of mushroom that They need keratin to eatthis protein forms the outer layer of human skin, hair and nails.

According to Cinfa Salud, it can be divided into:

  • Sports itch or jock itch: Occurs when fungus grows in the groin, upper thighs and buttocks. Manifested by itching, burning and redness. Rash, burning, itching, or peeling of the skin.
  • Tinea pedis or athlete’s foot: Fungus grows on feet. This affects users of shared showers or swimming pools. Manifested by itching, tingling between the toes, redness, burning, stinging, weeping blisters between the toes, bumps on the feet, cracks or peeling between the toes, redness of the heels, foul odor, skin irritation (after scratching).
  • Ringworm: This occurs when fungus grows on the toenails. The infected nail becomes deformed, acquires a yellowish-brown color, becomes brittle, peels, becomes deformed, and has an unpleasant odor.
  • Ringworm of the body: Affects the skin. A ring-shaped scaly area appears. Itching. Cracked or flaky skin. Combustion.
  • Shingles capitis: affects the scalp. It usually causes itching, flaking that looks like a small ulcer, alopecia (hair loss), swelling, redness, a mass (kerion) and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Tips for Preventing Ringworm

Ringworm is common and highly contagious even before symptoms appear. You can prevent this by following some recommendations:

  • Clean, dry skin: Wash your skin every day with soap and water and dry it completely, paying special attention to the area between your toes, groin and armpits.
  • Do not walk barefoot in common areas: it is recommended to wear flip-flops or in changing rooms.
  • Stay cool and dry.
  • Avoid infected animals by asking a veterinarian to examine them and washing your hands with soap and water after playing with them.
  • Don’t share personal items.

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