What is the Euribor rate today, February 1, 2024? Good news for mortgage owners

Euribor, the benchmark majority index variable mortgages sold in Spain, continues to cause headaches for many families. However, this Thursday it fell by 67 thousandths compared to the percentage reached on Wednesday.

The index continues to decline from its highs reached in October. when it closed at 4.16%. It fell 4,022% in November and 3,679% in December. Previous highs date back to October 2008, when it reached 5.248%. The average for January was 3.609%, causing Euribor to fall for the third month in a row.

For mortgage holders who renegotiate their loan every six months, this reduction is already carried over to their mortgage. The six-month-old benchmark index closed at 4.073% (August 2023). Mortgages are always renegotiated monthly rather than daily. Those who renew annually won’t see their mortgage drop yet, as it was 3.337% in January 2023.

How much will Euribor rise today?

The Euribor rate dropped to 3.505% today. Concerning 3.572% this Wednesday. On Wednesday, January 24, it reached a yearly high of 3.676%.

The European Central Bank (ECB) last Thursday decided to leave eurozone benchmark interest rates unchanged for the third time. from October. The opposite would be a surprise: that’s what investors and analysts thought Certainly and they were more aware that the institution could provide new clues about the expected start recession cycle types. However, its president Christine Lagarde, conscientiously avoided shedding too much light on this issue. “All I can say is that consensus this morning at the governing council table was that it was premature to discuss rate reduction,” he said.

What will happen in 2024 with Euribor

curbing inflation in the eurozone is easing pressure on the European Central Bank (ECB) to continue raising interest rates this year. The US Federal Reserve has already announced that it will reduce the cost of money by three times this year and is therefore pushing the ECB to follow the same path. Market estimates suggest the body, led by France’s Christine Lagarde, could leave rates at current levels until the summer and then cut them as inflation continues to fall and economic growth slows.

Inflation rate The annual rate rose by five-tenths in December in the eurozone, to 2.9%, according to a preliminary estimate published this Friday by statistics service Eurostat.

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How Euribor works and its impact on mortgages

Among other things, Euribor is used by many banks as a benchmark index to determine interest rates on variable rate mortgages in Europe, which is largely the case in Spain. That is, interest on loans fluctuates depending on changes in this value: If Euribor rises, mortgages will become more expensive; If it falls, mortgages will become cheaper.. The increase in Euribor is a response to increasing tensions in the financial market. Increasing it means banks are charging higher interest to other financial institutions for lending them money, and at the same time they are increasing the interest they charge their mortgage customers.

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