What is the May Council, one of the declarations made by Javier Miley of the Córdoba Council

President Javier Miley announces the May Council (Photo Mario Sarr)

Once the base law and the fiscal package were approved, President Javier Miley announced the launch of a new entity called May Councilwhich will be composed of representatives of politics, businessmen and unions, to propose measures that implement the content of the May Pact. From the Córdoba Town Council, the head of state once again called on the governors to sign that agreement.

The President specified that the May Council will be composed of a representative of the National Executive, one of the governors, one of the Senate, one of the deputies, one of the business sector and one of the employers’ sector. The functions that this institution will have to perform Propose a bill Which is in line with the contents of the May Pact that was proposed at the opening of the session on 1 March.

The May Agreement

On the First of March of the Year of Our Lord 2024, with the representatives of the people gathered in the National Congress, before the gaze of the Eternal, we proclaim the need for a new founding agreement for the Argentine Republic.

The President of the Nation, Javier Mieli, calls on the twenty-three provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to sign, on May 25 of this year, in the jurisdiction of Córdoba, the productive heart of our country, a ten-point agreement. Agreement that restructures the bases of Argentina.

These guidelines would be subject to the prior approval of the presented “Law on the Bases and Starting Points for the Independence of Argentina” and a new financial agreement.

1. Inviolability of private property.

2. Non-negotiable fiscal balance.

3. Reduction in public expenditure to historic lows, around 25% of GDP.

4. A tax reform that reduces tax pressure, simplifies the lives of Argentines and promotes business.

5. Renegotiate federal tax sharing to end the current extortion model once and for all.

6. Commitment by the provinces to advance the exploitation of the country’s natural resources.

7. A modern labour reform that promotes formal work.

8. A pension reform that provides stability to the system, respects those who contribute and allows those who prefer to subscribe to a private retirement system.

9. A structural political reform that revises the current system and realigns the interests of representatives and those represented.

10. Opening up international trade, so that Argentina once again becomes a protagonist in the global market.

May God bless all Argentines and give us the wisdom and strength we need to overcome the challenges we face as a society and build a prosperous future for our nation. May the forces of heaven be with us.

Javier Gerardo Miley

President of the Nation.

Enthusiasm. President Miley welcomes the people who came to listen to him at the Cabildo

The May Pact was a proposal presented by President Javier Miley on the opening day of the general session in the National Congress on March 1, 2024. In front of deputies, senators, authorities and special guests, the president proposed a series of agreements for the political class to sign and “return” Argentina to its former glory.

“In the first opening of the session of our administration, I want to call on both governors and former presidents and the leaders of the main political parties to renounce their personal interests and meet in the province of Córdoba on May 25 for the signature of a new social contract called the May Pact: a social contract that establishes the 10 principles of the new Argentine economic order,” Javier Miley said that day.

The first president spoke of the May Pact in Córdoba

The May Pact was not signed until May 25, after the Chamber of Deputies had half-approved the base law and the fiscal package, but the Chamber of Senators is still debating it in committee and demanding several changes, both in the incentive regime for large investors (RIGI) as well as the tax issue and in various articles.

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