What is the role of daytime sleep in the well-being of middle-aged women, according to science?

Sleep has health benefits, especially for middle-aged women, according to a recent study. (Getty Images).

One of best sources of well-being is to enjoy restful sleep which keeps the body in healthy conditions to perform daily activities. have at least eight hours uninterrupted rest helps the brain recover after daily stressreduces the risk of developing high blood pressure over time and prevents obesity, according to National Institutes of Health from USA (NIH).

People who don’t get enough sleep to recover from daily demands usually have trouble sleeping. fight infectionssuffer from cardiovascular diseases, obesity and are at risk of getting sick iron. Therefore, it is important to find a way to restore sleep hours and achieve restful rest.

A common way to compensate for sleepless nights is to take dozing. While relaxing in the afternoon, people experience benefits for your quality of life. However, the effects may vary depending on your age, even if you have different consequences in the health of women and men.

Compared to middle-aged women, younger women benefit less from getting two hours of sleep and have much less sleep compensation, according to the study. (Illustrative image by Infobae).

Research published in Scientific reports determined association between compensatory duration Weekend sleep (WCUS) And health-related quality of life (HRQoL) V middle aged women. In particular, those that they sleep more hours during weekend more advantages over With Men.

Upon admission sleep one to two hours during weekendthey have made improvements in areas such as psychological well-being, With reducing anxiety and depressionAnd in daily activities. However, longer periods long sleep were associated with power reduction from self-treatment. These data indicate that there is a need personal recommendations from sleep duration compensatory during weekendin function age And floor.

He positive influence these dreams in the quality of life may be related to physiological factorsHow variability of sex hormones in women and socio-ecological factors that affect the quality and dream. In contrast to previous studies examining compensatory sleep duration in weekend as a variable dichotomousthis study revealed inverted U-shaped association between sleep duration And contribution to health. In this regard, researchers recommended sleeping alone two hours For improve well-being.

By relaxing in the afternoon, people improve their quality of life (illustrative image by Infobae)

Although sleep compensation with naps weekends can be good for your health, there are some risks during renewal periods lasting more than two hours. The problems get worse if this happens regularly throughout the week. People who they sleep for more than 30 minutes often 41% more likely to encounter high blood pressureaccording to an article published in National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute U.S.A.

In addition, it was established that exceed recommended time during sleep human weight. The above is usually aggravated by bad habits such as tobacco use, late eating and sleeping times, etc. energy consumption during lunchAccording to a study published in Wiley Online Library.

Research shows that people who they sleep for a long timeCompared to those who avoid them, there are greater differences in health outcomes. obesity and metabolic syndromeHow body mass index (BMI) and blood glucose. Short periods show protective effect against high blood pressure. These findings become especially relevant when you consider that more than a third of participants practiced the habit of sleeping an average of four times a week, suggesting that these breaks may have an impact double edge effect depending on its duration.

One of the main problems with sleeping more than two hours is the increased risk of cardiovascular disease. (Illustrative image by Infobae).

The results of the study are also recorded changes in the circadian system And cortisol response after awakening (CAR) as a factor associated with prolonged sleep and increased adiposity. It has been observed that behaviors such as smoking and meal size may change cortisol levels and therefore affect hunger and central obesity.

Research has shown that to prevent these problems short nap, less than 30 minutesmay be more suitable for maintaining optimal health And reduce cardiovascular riskin contrast to long-term ones, which can cause immediate and long-term negative consequences.

In contrast, a study published in the journal Borders puts the idea into tensionsleep too much” Studies show that a young healthy person is not able to maintain a sleep schedule exceeding 10 hours a day. According to the data received, average sleep duration It is just over eight hours. However, some people may experience anywhere from five to eleven per night.

The study showed that a person without health problems is not able to sleep 10 hours because the body needs time to naturally restore energy. (Illustrative image by Infobae).

The study results also showed proper recovery after periods lack of sleep. When participants were given more time to sleep, there was an initial increase total sleep duration, in the first days. Subsequently, a gradual decrease in these indicators was observed along with an increase sleep delay. This pattern suggests that a person can have sufficient sleep duration with a new break even after a period of adaptation.

Finally, the investigation concluded that feeling drowsy after waking up associated with sleep inertia, a transitional period that disappears over time. These findings suggest that the concept “sleeping bench” probably indicates compensation for previous rest restriction rather than excessive sleep.

If you experience an overwhelming feeling of tiredness and fear of falling asleep while working, this means that your body requires more hours of sleep. (Illustrative image by Infobae).

He excessive fatigue during the day may be a sign lack of sleepa problem that can also negatively affect labor productivityacademic, car driving And social interactionaccording to the article in National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

Another warning sign is daytime sleepiness. This condition manifests itself in everyday situations such as sitting reading, watching TV, in meetings or even while driving, which leads to a tendency to fall asleep in such conditions. In addition, sleep deprivation can cause difficulties in education, concentration, Memoryand the ability to make decisions.

Understand and solve these problems signs are crucial prevent long-term negative consequences mental and physical health. While daytime sleepiness is a clear sign of lack of sleep, it can also be a sign of health problems such as sleep apnea.

That’s why it’s important to be aware of how this situation affects total capacity person to function in everyday life, manage emotionsbehavior and adapt to unexpected changes. Having identified these factors and their impact on daily life, it may be time to seek medical advice from an expert.

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