What is the weather forecast in CABA and the interior of the country this weekend?

The end of May will be characterized by low temperatures and alerts extreme coldin this saturday Amba It is expected to be a cold day with minimum temperatures of 13 degrees and maximum temperatures of 17 degrees. After a foggy morning, Weather Forecast Skies are expected to remain mostly cloudy for the rest of the day.

Inside the country, National Meteorological Service (SMN) Two yellow alerts have been activated for two sectors of Patagonia. While snowfall will be recorded in the mountainous region of Río Negro and the north of Chubut, heavy rain is expected in much of the Santa Cruz province. Meanwhile, mild temperatures will continue in the north of the country, but the 30-degree barrier will not be broken.

According to the Meteorological Organization, AMBA will characterize the weekend Cloud In heaven, but together Low chance of rain. The percentage of rainfall during Saturday morning and afternoon will be between 0 to 10%.

On Sunday, temperatures will fall between 10 and 16 degrees, but the chance of scattered rain during the morning will be between 0 and 40%. The rest of the day will be mostly cloudy.

The month of May became one of The coldest in the history of Argentinaat least as far as it has been recorded (from 1961 to 2023). This information comes from preliminary data from the SMN, which covers from the first day of the month to the 27th, a period in which the country recorded an average temperature of -2.46 degrees.

except Mission, Which presented temperatures above normal for this time, with abnormally cold conditions across the national territory. At least 9 provinces could break records for May: Tucumán, -3.54 °C; La Rioja, -3.45 °C; Mendoza, -3.38 °C; San Luis, -3.65 °C; Córdoba, -3.61 °C; La Pampa, -3.39 °C; Neuquén, -3.21 °C; Río Negro, -3.22 °C, and Chubut, -3.68 °C.

It might rain on Monday morning (Telam)

According to SMN’s quarterly forecast, the Pampas region, the southern coast and a large part of Patagonia are the areas most likely to experience this. lower than normal temperature For the next 90 days. The provinces of Buenos Aires, Entre Ríos, Santa Fe, Córdoba, San Luis, La Pampa, Neuquen, Río Negro, Chubut and Santa Cruz are most affected by the weather conditions expected for the next quarter.

Meanwhile, in the northwest and northeast of the country, the trend of “mild winter” continues and temperatures are above normal for the season. In this case, Salta, Jujuy, Tucumán, Catamarca, La Rioja, Misiones, Corrientes, the north of Santa Fe and parts of Formosa, Chaco and San Juan will face warmer temperatures. However, in the south of Patagonia, in Cuyo and the northern central provinces, a greater tendency to have “normal” weather is expected.

This year, the temperature is expected to be much lower than last year (NA)

“This forecast should be considered based on the quarterly average value. Also, it is important to note that the effect of large-scale forcing (El Niño/La Niña) will weaken, so Variations of a few days or weeks may prevail during this winter.” The warning is issued in the report covering the months of June, July and August.

Regarding the trend of rainfall, he says: “It will be a winter with little or no rain, especially in Patagonia, the Pampa Húmeda and the entire north-east of the country. “In these areas, climate forecasts indicate below-normal rainfall for the season.”

However, Salta, Jujuy, Tucumán, Catamarca, La Rioja, San Juan, northern San Juan and part of San Luis and the west of Santiago del Estero will go through the phenomenon called “dry season”, so there will be no rain in the region during the next three months.

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