What’s happening in Ecuador live. Latest news of this time

Ecuador is facing a prison crisis in several of its states following the escape of ‘Fito’, leader of the drug trafficking gangLos Choneros’ And one of the most dreaded criminals of the country who remained in jail for 12 years.

Littoral Penitentiary in Guayaquil, Turi and El Inca in Cuenca are some of the prisons in whose facilities riots occur. chairman Daniel Noboa, Established a state of exception in the face of the ongoing wave of violence in the country.

What happened to ‘Fito’ in Guayaquil prison?

Criminal ‘Fito’ escaped Littoral Penitentiary without the police officers realizing it Till the night of 7th January, Upon learning of his escape, the Ecuadorian Prosecutor’s Office launched an investigation into the criminal to determine his whereabouts.

“Today the police, together with the armed forces, realized the absence of one of the prisoners living in this social rehabilitation center,” police commander César Zapata said.

communications secretaryRoberto Izurieta, conveyed through teleamazonas ecuadorthat the prisoner ‘Fito’ had escaped a few hours before an operation was to be carried out Littoral Penitentiary.

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