WhatsApp will become much more customizable in a future update

WhatsApp will let you change the app’s primary color in a future update

If you like personalization, WhatsApp's new feature is perfect for you.
If you like personalization, WhatsApp’s new feature is perfect for you.

WhatsApp has been adding a lot of new features lately and it looks like it will start the year with the same. It was recently discovered that soon The application interface can be customized a little more thanks to various color options that will allow change the color of some application elements through settings.

whatsapp I’ve been wanting to change the interface for a long time. Although it is not available to all users, The application has a new interface, made in green tones. for some elements, leaving the application color blue. And it seems that he wants to go down this path because latest beta version for iOSthere is a new option that allows change application theme.

WhatsApp will be able to change the theme of the application

As you can see a little below, WhatsApp is working on a new settings section that will allow you to change the color of the app’s main branding. in a future update. You can choose from five different colors, which will change the appearance of elements such as unread message pop-ups, both in chats and in the bar at the bottom.

A feature that seems to be aimed at those users who don’t like the new green tones (since the old blue tone can be restored), as well as provide greater personalization of the application so that each user can choose the color they like best.. Although, as we have already said, at the moment there is only five colors availablesince this is a beta version, perhaps more colors will appear in subsequent versions or in the final version released to everyone.

At the moment the only way to access this new setting is via search engine present “Appearance“, something that will definitely change and become a section that will be easier to access. When you search and click on this new section, five colors appear: green, blue, black, purple and pink. When you click on one of them, application color changes. Here you can see it in action:

As we said, this is a feature that is currently in beta testing, so it could still be improved by including new colors or more elements that change color when you select one of the options. The possibility of changing the color of the bubbles is also being considered, but this is not available at the moment.

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