When to go to the emergency room and when not to? The doctor answers

The starting signal for 2024 is marked, among other things, wave of respiratory infections How Variant of pipiola belonging corona virus wave influenza A. A witness who spent the last weeks of 2023 and whose medical workers medical centers as good as Emergency services Spanish hospitals, which are “filled” with patients with such diseases.

This health collapse has revived some hidden debates within the union, such as those Patients who present to the emergency department due to delays in primary care due to “preventable” or “lower priority” problems. In this sense, doctor from this area wanted to comment on a test or recipe, please accept it.

“Trivial” consultations and waiting lists

As a clear example, he cited the “avalanche” of respiratory infections, National Health System (NHS), Bearing in mind that medical personnel recommend that those suffering from flu-like symptoms “not consult alarm data other than alarm data to avoid collapse and infection among vulnerable people on these dates.” To warn those who “miss” this rule, he refers to waitlists and saturation of medical servicesimplying that this type of consultation is one of the reasons delay in medical care: “The day you have to wait 4 hours even though you have something urgent, you already know why.”

Without leaving aside the list of reasons why there are not enough hands in hospitals and medical centers, He also took the opportunity to mention those patients who ask to undergo “a la carte” tests that are not necessary, without careful thought about the impact they will have on the SNS. Moreover, he reminded that there are those who take this dynamic to the extreme and lie to get what they say. medical interventions, delaying the queue of other patients whose treatment is more urgent.

Deterioration of the SNS

But once these issues were clarified, this doctor wanted to emphasize that deterioration of the SNS “It is not the fault of healthcare professionals or users,” and both parties have a responsibility to take care of this to the best of their ability. “I’m already telling you that the vast majority of medical workers neglect their health and swallow things that they shouldn’t because of this, and it also doesn’t hurt to ask patients to be careful,” he added.

He also didn’t want to lose sight of the role doctors and nurses in this challenge, which is nothing less than advise and educate patients Above reasons to go to the emergency room and those in which it is preferable to stay at home. He considers himself a professional who advises and advises everyone who visits his office, but admits that not everyone behaves this way.

Although the information contained in Medical Articles may contain statements, data or notes from medical institutions or specialists, it is edited and prepared by journalists. We encourage the reader to consult a healthcare professional with any health-related questions.

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