Which country celebrates New Year first and which last?

The end of the year is approaching! This Sunday, December 31, millions of people around the world they will reunite with their loved ones Say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new year. However, the year has changed in the calendar This is a phenomenon that occurs globally.The truth is thatAnd there are some countries like this celebrate new year First different from others.

Next, we share with you Which country will be the first to achieve 2024 and which will be the last to do so.

The first country to welcome the new year

The first place to celebrate New Year This would be the island of Kiribati in Oceania., Interestingly, this destination is also known as “Christmas Island” because it is the first place in the world to celebrate Christmas Eve and, therefore, the change of the year.

There is a time difference of approximately 17 hours between the island of Kiribati and the US Union.Which means when will 2024 arrive in Kiribati Most of the residents of the Stars and Stripes country are sleeping.

And the last thing?

While Kiribati is the first place to welcome the New YearThe last to do so would be the Howland and Barker Islands, which is a territorial part of usawhich gives place to uncle sam’s land The last country to shout “Happy New Year”.

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This is why some countries welcome the New Year earlier

The fact that some countries welcome the New Year early This is a result of the Earth’s rotation and the different time zones that exist around the world.which area Total 24.

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