Which sugar is healthier: white, brown, cane…

Although we don’t realize it, we eat a lot of sugar throughout the day, not just the spoonful added to our coffee. According to the Spanish Food Safety Agency, in our country we consume an average of 111.2 grams of sugar per day.

This figure is four times the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation. do not exceed 10% of the total calorie intake free sugars, which can be 25 grams of sugar per day based on 2500 calories per day. Although each person is different and age, gender and physical activity should be taken into account.

free or added sugar HE add to products for some purpose, for example, providing taste, aroma or to facilitate processing, reduce acidity or facilitate preservation. Some examples of this are white sugar, brown sugar, panela, coconut sugar, syrups, syrups…and may include honey, syrups, fruit juices or fruit juice concentrates. Then there is internal sugars which come naturally from food.

Which sugar is healthier?

The big question is to know which sugar is healthier. Many people believe that brown sugar is healthier than white sugar or honey. The answer is that All added sugars have the same health effects. Therefore, there is no sugar that is healthier than another. The difference is that from a nutritional standpoint, brown sugar contains very few vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Comparing them white sugar It is 99% sucrose, dark 95% sucrose and panel 83% sucrose, 6% glucose and another 6% fructose. Therefore, brown and panela are less processed and contain higher levels of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Although chemically all three are the same.

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