Why is it better to breathe through your nose than through your mouth?

Luckily, no one has to teach us how to breathe. Breathing is a fundamental and apparently instinctive act that we all do from the moment we are born. However, we rarely think about the details of this process: is there a “right” way to do it? ¿It’s better to breathe through your nose than your mouth? Is there a difference between both options?

Surprisingly, the answer to all these questions is the same: “Yeah” In addition to the air intake, the nose also features an air intake system. filtration, moisturizing and protection very complex, turning it into an organ that goes far beyond the sense of smell and sensory characteristics. Breathing through your nose is a smart choice for your health!


When you inhale air, it passes through your nasal passages and begins its journey down to your lungs. Go through pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and finally reaches the organs responsible for breathing. This is a safe route because the body has special mechanisms to ensure that the air entering our lungs is clean, humidified and at the appropriate temperature.

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