With a progressive hairstyle, Salma Hayek turns on Mercredi Addams

Being a skier in complete freedom, Salma Hayek found the perfect hairstyle, à la fois pratique et efficace. A capillary pattern that is easy to copy and will allow you to conquer some stars.

The ski season has opened up and is stunned by the stars that are bringing in the profits. Parmi is called Salma Hayek, who studied in the family. Même sur des skis, l’oublie pas de soigner sa mise en beauté.

Salma Hayek tries couettes d’écolière

On Instagram, Salma Hayek posted a video of her recent ski vacation on January 14th. He may be the star accompanying Marie’s son, François-Henri Pinault, the girl Valentina, also qu’un des fils du milliardaire français. La famille recomposee semble prendre du bon temps à la montagne, Salma Hayek admires her spy spirit. Côté beauté, confident that the actress 57 years old Go for a fetish hairstyle while on vacation: les couettes. Unchanged, these curls are parfaits for discipline in long crignares, when they want to take a break from nature, with It is assumed that ses cheveux blancs. When it comes to makeup, Salma Hayek keeps things simple: un teint uni, des cils recourbés et un rouge à lèvres nude.

Les couettes seduisent les stars

With this progressive hairstyle, Salma Hayek returned to the club of stars and adopted looks a la Mercredi Addams. Parmi of the celebrities who copied Jenna Ortega’s memorable hairstyle on the show. Mercredi Tim Burton, with notes by Tina Kunakey, Rihanna, Iris Mittenaere or Alicia Keys for an encore. Les atouts seduction de cette hairstyle “tanto enfantine”, “tanto gothic” : It’s very easy and convenient for the whole world, that’s the nature of your cheveux.

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