Without a date for the presidential election, Diosdado Cabello already has the illusion of “victory”

God given hair. , photo courtesy

Diosdado Cabello said this Monday that Chavismo “is going to pass” in the presidential elections scheduled for the second half of the year, although he has no fixed date.

“We believe that, at any time this year, Chavismo will overtake them, it will defeat them in the elections,” the deputy said during the party’s weekly press conference.

He said this forecast “has nothing to do with triumphalism” or with polls, which mostly put Chavismo on the losing side, but “with reality.”

He added, “There is a bigger reality that exists on the street: a divided opposition, broken into a thousand pieces, without any definition, hanging on hopes that are not going to be met.”

Cabello reiterated that María Corina Machado, who was chosen as the main opposition coalition’s presidential candidate in a primary election last October, “is as of today disqualified by the Office of the Comptroller General,” which bars her from competing for elected positions. Prevents from doing.

Machado, within the framework of the Barbados agreements between Chavismo and the Unitary Platform, asked the TSJ to review its approval – which is valid until 2030 – and hopefully remove the obstacle to participating in the race, for which Chavismo has still not defined its candidate.

Although several representatives of Chavismo have assured that Nicolás Maduro will seek his third six-year term, he said in a televised interview on January 1, that it was still “premature” to talk about his “possible candidacy”. Is.

With information from EFE

(TagstoTranslate)Diosdado Cabello(T)Presidential elections in Venezuela(T)Maruda Corina Machado(T)Nicol\u001s Maduro

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