X-ray of Spain’s doctor shortage, an endemic disease spreading across Europe

During the period 2012-2018. MIR medicine and specialization positions did not increase in public universities. This neglect of medical training has left obvious traces in today’s shortage of medical professionals. A shortage that affects not only the Basque Country, but also resonates in various autonomous communities.

However, the shortage of doctors This is not a reality exclusive to Spain.. This phenomenon is evident across Europe and is exacerbated by the retirement of thousands of professionals and their transfer to the private sector. Administrative overload has also left many doctors unable to practice fully, further exacerbating the situation.

Family medicine is the hardest hit specialty, with shortages compounded by lack of prestige, hard work and lack of incentives. The lack of physicians willing to dedicate themselves to this important field further complicates the picture. directly impacting primary health carewhich is critical during times of health crisis like the current one.

Given this scenario, solutions are visible in the long term. Expanding places in medical schools and MIR is a strategy that is being implemented, but it will take time for its effects to be seen. Hire doctors from non-EU countries This is another option, although it faces challenges such as degree homologation. In addition, it becomes possible to delegate certain medical responsibilities to other medical professionals in order to effectively use the resources available in the system.

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