Yolanda Diaz announces that she will extend the rider law to domestic workers and domestic help.

Second Vice-President of the Government and Minister of Labor Yolanda Diaz announced this Thursday that her ministry will soon extend the Riders Act to domestic and domestic workers. “There are no shortcuts to labor rights, whether you’re serving food or caring for the elderly. We are not going to admit that new technologies are a reason to return to the 19th century,” he said at the IV European Funds conference, organized by elDiario.es.

Thanks to this measure, the government will transpose a directive agreed several months ago in the European Union. “We already have a board, and now we continue our work,” the leader of Sumara said this Thursday. That work would include regulating “algorithmic transparency,” he said, as well as expanding the Riders Act approved by the last Legislature to also cover domestic workers and those providing household help.

“When discussing the Riders Act, we said that this action affected many issues. We pointed out these two things that were deeply feminized,” Diaz said in a speech at an event organized by elDiario.es, in which he recalled the difficult debate he faced in the European Union to obtain the Rider Law directive.

“It was a very tense dialogue. “What we had before us was the model that Macron championed, which essentially said that a worker on a bicycle delivering food to people’s homes is an entrepreneur,” he said of a debate in which he admitted he was on the verge of giving up. “We had this debate and finally managed to create a broad alliance that prevented this reduction in rights,” he said.

“The new fiscal rules are based on austerity and adjustments”

Leader Soumara also criticized the Socialist Party for voting for new financial rules in Europe. “We have a clear disagreement. We did not discuss or approve these new budget rules. There are parties, right and progressive, that have done this. “They have a legitimate right to return to austerity 2.0, but this position leads us to a dead end,” he said.

According to the second vice president, these new rules are based on the same source: austerity and budget adjustments. “There is a risk of a return to fiscal orthodoxy in the European Union,” he warned in a speech in which he warned that these new rules would “put numbers before people”, “adjustments instead of expansion” and “cutting rights”. “This Austerity 2.0 measure will allow states to adjust deficits and national debt over a longer period of time, four to seven years after negotiations, but there will still be adjustments,” he criticized.

Yolanda Diaz asked not to “go back to square one” and, on the contrary, to work towards a “more integrated” European Union. “With a common, autonomous and permanent fiscal capacity, as well as means guaranteeing public goods at European level,” he said.

In this sense, he decided to work to democratize companies by bringing workers into the managerial rabbitry and to end financial dumping at the European level, one of the “main problems”, in his words, of the “European Project”. “The European solidarity project cannot be built if there is unequal competition between its participants. Neither with social dumping, nor with competition between states over who gets the lowest wages and the fewest rights,” he said.

“A Europe that is not hermetic and self-centered, a Europe, let me tell you that we do not share the migration pact, that does not close its borders, on the contrary, a Europe that is hospitable and positions itself as a paradigm in the world: an example of human rights Human rights and decent work,” defended the second vice president.

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