departure date, casting, history and everything they say there

After appearing in court in Dernya James BondActress Ana de Armas plays another action heroine in the film. Ballerinaspin-off John Wick.

John Wick It’s a successful saga led by three charismatic actors and southern trainee Keanu Reeves. The fourth film grossed over $440 million worldwide (against a $100 million budget), and the saga grossed over a billion dollars in total. Elle est devenue l’une des franchises des actions les plus influentes de cette dernière décennie.

Alors Rien d’Etonnant Qu’après La Serie prequel Continentalanother spin-off in the works, one of those that has been ensnared by one of the franchise’s wills.

Outing date, casting, plot, tell me everything you said, remains Ballerina.

  • Our video about John Wick 4


Yes, il ne s’agira does not refer to a suite or a prequel, but to a midquel, because the film Ballerina It is divided into three and four volumes of the saga. John Wick.

In fact, development of a spin-off about Rooney (the ballerina of the title) will begin shortly after her appearance in the franchise. John Wick. А origin, history Ballerina Lionsgate’s biggest rapport in 2017 was through the Keanu Revves method and checking the rights of Shay Hatten’s script and vetting it to write in Diegese. Rooney in the bathroom été brièvement aperçue dans le troisième volet, John Wick: Parabellum, Su le features of the ballet dancer Unity Phelan.

Len WisemanUnderworld, Dead hard 4) he was involved with the realist and collaborated with Shay Hatten to restore the scene. Finally, in April 2022, Lionsgate will officially announce the project.

John Wick: Parabellum: photosStrong impression from the premiere

What is the date of the ballerina’s outing?

The tour will debut in November 2022 and premiere in June 2024. In February 2024, producer Chad Stahelski announced that he would resume production on the film and tour new episodes. Ballerinadoesn’t pass by like before.

Date of its reconsideration: June 6, 2025 in États-Unis et al. certainty June 4, 2025 in France.


Movies John Wick Suivent l’histoire d’uncien tueur à gages, qui reprend du service for se avenger d’un Malfrat que a you son chiot, dernier cadeau de sa femme décédée, and set off. This is in the triple film of the saga, which plays for the premiere of the whole, which is appreciated by Rooney, the heroine and the ballerina dancer.

The spin-off is still between the third and fourth films. John Wick and we stand for Rooney, the ballet dancer, erected in honor of Directrice pour devenir tueuse. More Celle-ci Cherchera D’Abord à SE avenger for the people who killed the family.

John Wick: Parabellum: photos, Anjelica Huston, Keanu ReevesJohn Wick: Parabellum: photos, Anjelica Huston, Keanu ReevesBest Promo of 1980


Actress Ana de Armas as Rooney, the main character Ballerina. After the appearance of the son, three remarks in Murir may be presentle dnievier James Bond The three of them star in this new action movie with Daniel Craig. Fans of the franchise can see Keanu Reeves play John Wick, and they’re confident they’ll be able to get past the two credits before their son’s death. John Wick 4.

Il y aura also returns other names and images that you saw in déjà:

De nouvelles type ont également été annoncées, toutes dans des roles pour l’inconnus inconnus:

  • Catalina Sandino MorenoQuiet night, The most cruel year)
  • Norman Reedus (ur.the walking Dead, Death)
  • Anne Parillaud (English)Nikita, L’Homme au masque de fer)
  • Gabriel Byrne (ur.hereditary, usual suspects)
  • Abraham PopoolaMiracles, Cruella)

Mourir Peut Attre: photo by Ana de ArmasMourir Peut Attre: photo by Ana de ArmasMourir may be present, John Wick is not


Contrairement in the style of a prequel series Continental which is streaming on Amazon Prime Video, Ballerina It will be broadcast exclusively in cinemas.

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