La Primitiva today, Monday, April 15, 2024: winning draw numbers

State lotteries and betting celebrate this Monday, April 15, 2024 new draw from La Primitiva. Consult EL ESPAÑOL to find out the winning numbers.

Primitiva lottery prizes

Special (6+R): 6 appeals + Return.

First (6): 6 hits.

Second (5+C): 5 views + Addition.

Third (5): 5 hits.

Fourth (4): 4 hits.

Fifth (3): 3 hits.

Return (R): the bet amount is returned.

Additional Joker Prizes

First (1,000,000 euros): matching 7 digits in the same order.

Second (10,000 euros): correcting the first 6 digits or the last 6 in the same order.

Third (1000 euros): match the first 5 digits or the last 5 digits in the same order.

Fourth (300 euros): match the first 4 digits or the last 4 digits in the same order.

Fifth (50 euros): match the first 3 digits or the last 3 digits in the same order.

Sixth (5 euros): match the first 2 digits or the last 2 digits in the same order.

Seventh (1 euro): correction of the first or last digit.

Note. The set of figures must remain in the same order as the number assigned to the Joker in the corresponding drawing.

Primitive lottery: how to play

The La Primitiva draw consists of choosing 6 different numbers from 1 to 49 on a numbered grid, as well as the ability of the terminal itself to select these numbers at random.

About return

The return of La Primitiva is a number from 0 to 9 in addition to the 6 drawing numbers. Previously, the “Return” was a number that was randomly assigned to the bet slip, but since October 2018 it has become possible to select a specified number. The La Primitiva return is used to win in a special category (corresponding to the 6 digits of the winning combination plus the return), that is, the largest prize in the draw. In the event that the bet is not awarded, the bet amount is restored by adjusting the Refund.

What is additional

This is an additional number drawn during a drawing, the purpose of which is to give the opportunity to increase the prize to those who match 5 of the 6 numbers of the winning combination. The additional prize is valid only in the 2nd prize category (5 + C).

How does the Joker game work?

Joker is an additional and optional game associated with Primitiva that you can only play if you play Primitiva. To play, you must select the Joker box on the ticket and once your bets have been confirmed, a 7-digit number corresponding to the Joker will be randomly assigned.

Primitive lottery price and “Joker”

The Primitiva bet price is 1 euro, and if you want to include a wild (optional), it will cost an additional 1 euro. You can only play Joker if you participate in the La Primitiva draw.


Of the total lottery revenue, 45% belongs to the government, and the remaining 55% is intended for paying out prizes. La Primitiva has 6 types of non-fixed prizes, that is, they are prizes that vary depending on the amount received from ticket sales and the number of winners in each category.

If there are no Special Category or 1st Category winners, the drawing amount will be added to the Special Category of the next drawing. This amount will be added until a special category winner is identified. This category was added in 2012 to introduce more and more jackpots with the goal of winning back ground lost to other competitions.

On the other hand, the Joker game provides prizes in each of the categories.

Draw schedule

Both draws take place every Thursday and Saturday at approximately 21:40 in the Public Lotteries and Betting meeting room in Madrid. It can be seen live on the State Lotteries and Betting platform and the results will also be available after the draw is completed on various media.

Curiosities of the La Primitiva draw

La Primitiva is a game of chance regulated by the State Lotteries and Betting Society. It is publicly owned and managed by the Ministry of Finance, which is responsible for its assessment and control.

The first lottery held in Spain was La Primitiva on December 10, 1763. It was known as the “Numbers Lottery” and was created to increase revenue for the government treasury. Its creator was Leopoldo de Gregorio, better known as the “Marquis of Esquilache” during the reign of Carlos III, and with its creation he avoided the introduction of a new tax. This time, 25% of the proceeds went directly to the government, and the remaining 75% was intended to pay prizes.

In 1812, a second type of drawing was born, known as the “Modern Lottery”, which differed from the numbers lottery in that the numbers were printed on the tickets. The modern lottery is the predecessor of the current National Lottery. On the other hand, the number lottery has been renamed to the primitive lottery.

Both lotteries coexisted until 1862, when the government banned Primitiva due to the public’s preference for the modern lottery. This fact meant that the state decided to increase the benefit from the modern lottery to 30% of the prizes given out, compared to 25% previously. During the 20th century, another type of lottery or “raffle” of a charitable nature was born, coordinated by associations of the blind (predecessors to ONCE). These small drawings were allowed from time to time until the state decided to ban them in order to achieve absolute power over the lottery game. Although these sweepstakes were banned, they continued to be sold secretly until 1940, when the sale of these coupons, known as “Blind Coupons”, was legalized.

The primitive lottery was not introduced until 1985. From then on, Primitiva was held every week on Thursday, but its popularity led to the addition of another day in 1990: the Saturday draw.

At the time of publication of this article, the record Primitiva prize was awarded to a single winner of €101 million in the city of Barcelona in 2015.

Note. EL ESPAÑOL assumes no liability for any errors or omissions. The only valid official list is the one provided by the State Lotteries and Betting Society (SELAE).

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