Scientists predict a “triple extinction” that will wipe out life on Earth: what will happen and how many millions of years will it take?

For some time now, experts, scientists, and even the Mayans have been warning us about the end of humanity and its extinction. In the case of the latter, the end of the world was supposed to come in 2012, but in the end this did not happen; and now experts continue to warn us about future extinction due to planetary deterioration and the impact of climate change on it. In particular, a study conducted by the University of Bristol and published in the journal Naturewarns that the Earth may become a hot, dry and virtually uninhabitable supercontinent.

To reach this conclusion, the researchers relied on the first supercomputer climate models of the future and determined that the planet will suffer from a large number of volcanic eruptions, which will cause the appearance of several columns of carbon dioxide., which will lead to further increases in temperatures and the effects of climate change. Moreover, this fact can make the Sun its temperature and luminosity will increase, warming the Earth to a temperature of 40 to 50 degrees.

Alexander Farnsworth, lead author of the study and senior research fellow at the University of Bristol, noted that “a newly formed supercontinent would effectively create a triple whammy that “It will understand the effect of continentality, a hotter Sun and more CO₂ in the atmosphere, which increases the heat across much of the planet.”. At least none of us will ever live through this event as it happens within 250 million years.

Hostile Environment

The study’s forecast foresees a very grim future for humanity and other species, where high temperatures there will be a shortage of food sources and essential resources such as water. Even if humanity stops using fossil fuels, it will not prevent extinction and total extinction will occur.

Eunice Law, co-author of the study and researcher in climate change and health at the University of Bristol, said: “It is vital not to lose sight of the current climate crisis resulting from human emissions of greenhouse gases.” “Although we foresee the planet becoming uninhabitable in 250 million years, today We are already experiencing extreme heat that is harmful to human health. That’s why it’s critical to achieve net-zero emissions as quickly as possible,” he concludes.

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