What are NPUs, the chip used in the new Copilot+PC from Windows and Microsoft?

Joan Teixido

Microsoft pleasantly surprised this week in your Buildintroducing new Co-pilot+PCa number of devices (laptops and pills), which are taking a giant leap into a new era aimed at collaborative control using artificial intelligence and Windows 11 adapted with new functions and programs.

Microsoft and Windows were looking for allies. Acer, Asus, Dell, H.P., Lenovo And Samsung They will produce these devices of the future in addition to Microsoft.

And now one of them comes into play. NPU, processing chips capable of moving all this intelligence. Not in vain, NPU are abbreviations Neural processing block. There is little else to add. Until now we knew about processors or GPU. Now we need to add to our language NPU.

In the case of processors NPU what’s on all these devices will bear That Snapdragon Elite and Snapdragon Plushave unprecedented performance up to 45 TOPS, that is, 45 trillion operations per second.

But what are NPU?

In the era artificial intelligence (AI) And machine learningTechnology is rapidly evolving to meet growing data processing needs. Among these new technologies, the chip stands out NPUabbreviation in English meaning Neural processing block (Neural Processing Unit), which revolutionized the way computer algorithms are controlled and processed. AI.

chip NPU This processor type designed specifically to accelerate computational tasks associated with artificial neural networks. These networks are fundamental to many applications. AIincluding image and speech recognition, natural language processing and process automation.

Although processors (central processing units) and GPU (GPUs) can also manage tasks AIare not optimized for these operations in the same way as NPU. Processors are versatile, but not particularly efficient at tasks AIwhile GPUAlthough they are more efficient due to their ability to process large amounts of data in parallel, they still fall short of specific efficiency NPU.

NPU They are designed to perform matrix and vector operations fundamental to neural networks with high speed and energy efficiency. Additionally, these chips can perform multiple simultaneous operations, significantly reducing the processing time required to complete tasks. AI.

Advantages NPU

NPU They offer many advantages over other processors. First, its specific architecture allows for improved energy efficiency, which is critical for mobile devices where battery life is a priority. Additionally, its ability to process data in parallel and at high speed improves application performance. AIreducing response times and improving user experience.

Another notable benefit is their ability to manage large volumes of data in real time, making them ideal for applications such as autonomous vehicles, security surveillance and smart home automation, where speed and accuracy of data processing is critical.

Applications and the future

NPU They are increasingly being integrated into devices ranging from smartphones to data centers. On mobile phones, they enable improved features such as computational photography, smarter virtual assistants and real-time translation. In data centers, they improve the efficiency of cloud services such as content personalization and predictive analytics.

In short, chips. NPU represent a significant evolution in the field of processing AIoffering greater efficiency and performance across a wide range of range From applications. As demand for solutions continues to grow AI, NPU They are becoming a key element of future technological development.

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